Contradictions in American Conservative Logic from Conspiracy Theory, Guns, COVID, Foreign Aid etc by Quinton Mitchell

(1) Many Christian conservatives often fall into conspiracy theories, yet, isn’t obsessing over conspiracy theories a sign of not having faith? If their faith is so strong and God is in control, then it seems that Christians don’t really believe God…is…in…control. Once could go further and say that Christians who engage in conspiracy theory are actually engaging in blasphemy despite their conspiracies being against what they consider to be Christian blasphemies.

(2) It’s funny how people say the Second Amendment is about protecting us against a tyrannical government, yet, if that’s the case then why did so many white people not pick up arms to liberate black people from Jim Crow? Or, at a minimum be supportive of black people taking up arms to liberating themselves? Maybe it’s because what is “tyrannical” is subjective, i.e., just because you don’t like something you call it tyrannical, but what’s tyrannical to one is not to another. A lot of people seems Ok when a segment of the population was being oppressed.

(3) It’s interesting how conservatives said that COVID was a hoax, yet, the only way how Trump kept out migrants and refugees was through acknowledging that COVID existed with his use of Title 42 laws (the ability to keep people out of the USA because of public health concerns). So either COVID is real and was a real threat, or the Trump Administration used a hoax per conservative logic to keep out migrants, and in theory, per the law, violate the ability for people to seek asylum.

(4) Republicans say they want to bring money home, such as when talking about the Ukraine Russian War, etc., yet, this is the same party…. that wants to cut public education, raise social security (thus, increasing the chance of not getting it since you’re closer to dying, etc.).

(5) Conservatives are trying to argue that religion should not be separate from state, yet this just leads to xenophobia because society therefore becomes a battle of which religion has more power over the other because people don’t want to be rulee by a religion they don’t align with. Christian Nationalist also wanting secular power also negates their faith because in theory God is control and has a plan, yet it seems Christian Nationalist want to control the plan because deeply they don’t have faith and/or their faith is “bad faith”, i.e., for selfish, racist, sexist, etc., reasons. Which church would even rule? There are thousands of Protestant churches. Will we be…Church of God, Southern Baptist, Missionary Baptists, Anglican, Episcopalian, Methodist, African Methodist Episcopalian, Seventh Day Adventist, Unitarian, Roman Catholic, Coptic Christian, Orthodox, Quaker, Mennonite, Amish, etc.?

(6) Conservatives say the dislike government, despite hailing police agencies which are government institutions. Not saying that is good or bad, but just admit that conservatives do like elements of government.

(7) Conservatives want to ban adult content yet state they value free speech between consenting adults, where adults are legally allowed to enter into contracts, including contracts that includes the use of their bodies. By banning legal pornography all you do is create the market for illegal pornography which empowers criminals and ironically may help increase human trafficking. It’s also insane how Conservatives try to merge legal desire between adults with crime as a low IQ and strawman strategy to guilt people away from not being sexually empowered, educated, fulfilled, etc.

(8) Conservatives were saying All Lives Matters or say “I don’t see Color” but then freak out when a person of color is cast in movie in a role that was traditionally played by a white person.

Did Whitney Webb ever disavow antisemite Adam Green of Know More News? Thoughts on Whitney Webb, RFK Jr., General Conspiracy Culture, etc. by Quinton Mitchell

Disclaimer: Antisemitism is wrong and counterproductive. This paper is intended to not spread hatred of any kind. This paper is also an extension of the ACSZ (Anglo-American, Continental, Zionist, Saud Network) that I have written about previously. This paper is also not intended to be a promotion of conspiracy theories but rather an analysis of them, juxtaposed against my more grounded theory about the ACZS Network. All I ask, particularly if you are American and into a lot of these conspiracies is to question them. We all are looking for truth but sometimes we scapegoat others instead of seeing how our own beliefs may be a part of the problem. Yet, we have all had regressive thoughts or opinions and it is never too late to grow or change no matter what anyone says.

Part 1

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. interviewed an independent journalist named Whitney Webb. According to Mint Press, “Whitney Webb has been a professional writer, researcher and journalist since 2016. She has written for several websites and, from 2017 to 2020, was a staff writer and senior investigative reporter for MintPress News. She currently writes for her own outlet Unlimited Hangout and contributes to The Last American Vagabond and MintPress News.” [Source: She has also contributed to documentaries such as Victoria’s Secret: Angles and Demons. per IMDB, see: According to YouTuber, Patrick Bet David she is now living in Columbia and when I googled searched her a Whitney Fuentes popped up, but that could be a coincidence, but it is possible she got married.

Disclaimer: I do not think she is a racist based on her interviews with comedian Tim Dillon where she did express a concern about Big Pharma’s relationship to often poorer nations in the Global South (and, jokingly, she has a Boondocks comic strip inspired tattoo). Yet, Whitney did at one time collaborate with an actual antisemite Adam Green of Know More News, so she is complicated because in one hand she has great research but due to her former ties, that good research could take on more nefarious means, even if that was not her original intention. Hence, I think she needs to be more vocal about how her research is not antisemitic. However, it would be more interesting to see more legitimate researchers challenge her ideas, not as a means of cancelling or destroying her, but rather to potentially anchor ideas by putting them up against the rigor of intensive peer review, etc.

Whitney Webb is the author of One Nation Under Blackmail Volumes One and Two. [See:

I find it funny that per her theories that her books are on sale on Amazon led by Jeff Bezos. But, I get it, there is no ethical consumption under capitalism so you got to do what you got to do.

Yet, as RFK Jr., has said antisemitic things, I realized that Whitney Webb was interviewed by him. Whitney does have BitChute and Gab accounts, and ironically the Tree of Life Synagogue shooter was an active participant on Gab.

According to Caroline Linton (2018) of CBS News, “Bowers, who killed 11 people at a Pittsburgh synagogue last week, regularly used Gab to post anti-Semitic content. He frequently railed against the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), a Jewish nonprofit that aids refugees. On the morning of the shooting, he posted “HIAS likes to bring invaders in that kill our people. I can’t sit by and watch my people get slaughtered. Screw your optics, I’m going in.”” 

But, as stated, I will talk about her further later.

In the meantime, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., got into some hot water for his statements about how COVID-19 was engineered to attack white and black people while sparing Jewish and Chinese people. A totally unhinged take by an aspiring Presidential candidate, yet instead of this being a disqualifier it oddly has created a nexus of support amongst the vast spectrum of American and even non-American conspiracy theorists both left and right wing.

Conspiracy theory culture has always been around. From the Kennedy Assassination to the Warren and Church Commissions, to origin the of Aids, etc. But, in the current millennium the rise of conspiracy culture is a formula of 1) the public mistrust of government under the Bush Cheney regime due to the Iraq War which created many wounded and jaded veterans (2) the economic tensions from the 2008 Wall Street Crash unleashing far right and far left thought, while both have a history with Conspiracy such as the Left’s distrust of COININTELPRO, Red Squads, FBI or police murders of activists, etc. But on the Right Wing you had a John Birch Society paleo-conservatism which pushed New World Order, anti UN, white genocide and arms confiscation beliefs. Around the time  Barack Obama’s election, the Right Wing notably on the coattails of the libertarian Tea Party movement unleashed a partially coded radicalized attack on Obama because he potentially represented change not only as the first President of partial black African descent but also open to progressive policies.

I remember this is when Zeitgeist Film documentaries or anti Federal Reserve documentaries were coming out. [See: and

Also, Alex Jones InfoWars was popular and this caught the eye later of Roger Stone who absorbed this Conspiracy base into what would be MAGA.

This vast spectrum hovering over, near or within the conspiracy space encompasses New Age ideas, anti-vaccination culture, a distrusts of government institutions such as the CIA or FBI, False Flags operations the Gulf of Tonkin incident where oddly Jim Morrisson’s dad was the commander at the time), “Feds” i.e., government snitches and infiltrators, MKUltra studies (such as over-talked about analysis of Operation Climax), Operation Paperclip scholars, libertarians, utopian socialists, Burning Man and Ayahuasca psychonauts (“mind travelers”), thoughts on the upcoming or currently occurring Fourth Industrial Revolution, Transhumanism, the Rothschilds (which is interesting because no really talks about non Jewish dynastic families such as the Fugger Family), suspicion around Bohemian Grove, the Bilderberg Group, The Gates Foundation, Open Societies Foundation, Aspen Institute, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, Davos, and the World Economic Forum, but…

More nefariously the are believers in everything from Qanon, fluoride-in-the-water making us less intelligent theorists, the Illuminati (where you get bonus points for knowing the name of Adam Weishaupt), Area 51 and UFOs (popularized by Ancient Aliens on the History Channel, a channel owned by A&E Networks, which has been accused of casual racism, and in reality has actual ties to the Defense Information School via its contributor Jonathan Young), Lizard people, Adrenochrome drinking and Interferon collecting elites (where Interferon was talked about by comedian Dick Gregory when he was campaigning to bring attention to the Atlanta Child Murders, yet Dick previously with researcher Robert J. Gordon appeared on Geraldo’s Goodnight America to air the previously unaired Zapruder Film), the Nephilim (i.e., the demonic half children of angels and humans), Dan Brown books such as The DaVinci Code relating to the Knights Templar protecting Jesus sacred bloodline (where Knights Templar aesthetics have been appropriated by the Alt-Right movement of Dues Vult, typically Catholic or Traditionalist Christian in scope, which has overlap with the antisemitic groups called the Groypers and Goyim Defense League that includes white supremacists Nick Fuentes), Antediluvian (Pre-Flood) advanced society myths, Theosophy, the Occult, Neoplatonism, Pan-spermia ideas (that humans were implanted on Earth by extraterrestrial creatures or forces), etc.

By the way if you notice, most of these concepts have been talked about on Joe Rogan at some point or another.


On top of this conspiracy there is also religious fervor and militancy such as Christian doomsday ideology or the belief in the Rapture popularized by the Left Behind books by Tim LaHaye.

The American conscious that is deeply rooted in apocalyptic Protestant Puritanism and Calvinist individualism seems highly susceptible to conspiracy theories because of the concepts of End Times, but also the proselytizing nature of Christianity often gives people a sense or “mission” in evangelizing, i.e., colonizing others. However, all religions are susceptible to conspiracy.

But as far as American Christianity goes and even more importantly than religion outright, the capitalist core of American life has pushed society into postmodernism or into some variant thereof, where postmodernism could loosely be defined as when systems reach an apex and start recycling culture or culture devolves as the quest for generating profits continues while ideas, i.e., culture reach a zenith, thus high art merges with low art, morality becomes subjective, the overload of information makes it hard for individuals to come to consensus of objective truths, anachronisms are re-created to give the appearance of something new, etc.

The system also becomes so advanced that it is hard to distinguish fake from real. [Note: look into the works of Jean Baudrillard]. The best way to really understand post-modernity is to read literature (not Jordan Peterson), such as the works of Don DeLillo, Brett Easton Ellis, Philip K. Dick, and Thomas Pynchon, all of whom I have read at various degrees.

Sure, we have free speech to talk about conspiracies, and many of these concepts (Operation Paperclip, MKUltra, the Kennedy assassinations, etc.) deserve legitimate research, yet how more fringe and fantastical topics are talked about is often used to simply cast doubt about the stability of reality and the congruity of history, therefore encouraging certain people with mental illness and/or preconceived hatreds to double down on their biases and possibly use violence (information as a catalyst for schizophrenia)

But what defines a conspiracy theory as opposed to research? I suppose a conspiracy theory is when you make an allegation but already have the conclusion pre-set and fill in holes of your thesis, often with unsubstantiated claims, to argue for that thesis being correct, while also layering your thesis and conclusion with your personal biases, often bypassing personal accountability (e.g., with the intent to scapegoat another).  

Yet, back to RFK, Jr.

Not only did RFK Jr. make a statement that appeals to antisemitism, but also overlaps with the growing paranoia of Chinese influence as it appears the West is prepping for war or conflict with China either over the South China Sea itself, Taiwan, the theft of American trade secrets, the fear of a declining American
Empire, and allegations of Chinese investors buying up large swaths of American land allegedly near US military installations (related to the Chinese spy balloon case), etc.

It seems RFK Jr’s goal is to farm the conspiracy vote

To be frank, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., is a conspiracy theorist, Alex Jones InfoWar, “moderate” candidate, because deep down underneath his claims are antisemitic beliefs. Yet, he like many has an accurate criticism of US foreign policy disasters. Essentially RFK Jr., is what happens when the “elites” are so out touch, yet, RFK ironically may be establishment overall but is simply catering towards a nexus between Left Wing Anti-War Doves meets Right Wing isolationists, even though he may not actually believe in scaling back American hegemony or empire.

RFK is the Obama Effect, i.e., he promises a sense of hope but really will keep things the same, and I must confess, that I am not a big optimist when it comes to implementing radical change and I do personally believe in “Peace thru strength”.

But, who isn’t a bit of a conspiracy theorist?

RFK Jr., has Baby Boomer Qanon appeal considering his father and uncle were unfortunately assassinated and factions of Qanon believed John F. Kennedy, Jr., would re-appear. Certain conspiracy theorists also blame, of course, Hillary Clinton for JFK Jr.’s death to advance her own career. RFK’s centrist policies appeals to old guard Center Left Democrats and Center Right Republicans, where everyday people in this spectrum might called themselves “moderates” or “Independents”, because his ideas do not seem as “radical” as Progressives or Leftists (e.g., Progressives wanting…universal healthcare, taxing corporations, diverting police funds from weaponry towards mental health or drug rehabilitation, etc.).

But, when it comes to RFK, Jr., sadly because of the deaths in his family, i.e., the alleged Kennedy Curse, Robert seems…paranoid. On the Joe Rogan podcast he has claimed that he will be assassinated which is sure the fear of any public official, but RFK seems to have a type of trauma around it. He’s scared basically. Traumatized. His father was assassinated by a pro-Palestinian man allegedly because of RFJ Sr.’s willingness to arm Israel with fighter jets which would’ve been use on Palestinians.

That’s more of my concern. A paranoid President who won’t be able to function for living in constant fear that he has conditioned himself to live in. This could lead to irrational behaviors (such as what we may be witnessing with figures such as Jordan Peterson) or he may fall into a sense of ennui, clinical depression, etc.

And, I think to myself how RFK, Jr. would run a country if he were so paranoid, even though we are tempted to feel sorry for him because of his losses. RFK Jr. also went on The Hill (owned by Nexstar Media. See my post about Kim Iversen) to speak out against the CIA and his belief that they were involved in his uncle’s death.

Kim Iversen. We don’t need another “Woke, Con-Spiritualist, Gen X Libertarian”. White Supremacy apologetics, Anti-Vax Paranoia, etc., by Quinton Mitchell

It seems his foreign policy is conciliatory towards Russia adopting the anti-west framing of war in Ukraine, where this anti-war framing gaslights “the Left” for supporting Ukraine from Russia. This concept of the Left now “not being the same as they used to be” is unfair because I personally think and feel that the certain liberals or Leftist (certainly not all, notably the Marxist camp who see the war as imperialist) support the war because the alternative is Putin spreading an almost medieval Aleksandr Dugin inspired Orthodox nationalism closer to Central and Western Europe. This would pose a risk to liberal democracies/Republics. [Note: feel free to investigate Aleksandr Dugin’s Fourth Political Theory and the book Russian Nuclear Orthodoxy: Religion, Politics, and Strategy by Dmitry (Dima) Adamsky. Link:]

Part 2

First off, I don’t believe criticizing the state of Israel is antisemitic, because protecting Israel from analysis or criticism feeds into antisemitic rhetoric such as Israel having special status, protection, or privileges, especially with the perception of Jewish people in certain positions of power, but also the crisis relating to the Palestinians of Gaza and the West Bank.

However, I do acknowledge that antisemitic conspiracy theories are probably they worst they have been in my lifetime, and it has become more and more popular. I was born in the late 1980s, so by the early 90s, even as a child I was aware of antisemitism especially because of the Oklahoma City Bombing (where there are even theories in spaces online that it was an inside job) but also the Los Angeles Jewish Community Center shooting that occurred in 1999.

However with the internet, things have gotten out of hand, especially with (1) the shadowy life and death of Jeffrey Epstein but also Ghislane Maxwell and her controversial father, Robert Maxwell, who is buried currently in Israel, (2) accusations about billionaire investor George Soros and his Open Society Foundation which has given charity to organizations across the globe, (3) the silencing of academics or critics relating to the State of Israel, which even includes accusations that the Left Wing, not only Right Wing figures, are antisemitic because of their criticism of lobby groups such as the ADL, (4) the NXIVM Scandal which included Claire and Sara Bronfman, who are of Jewish descent, but their father, Edgard Bronfman, Sr., the founder of the Seagram fortune, was the former leader of the World Jewish Congress, (5) the crimes of Hollywood executives such as Harvey Weinstein, which was another blow to Hollywood’s perception because of allegations of child abuse, (6) the slow incorporation of the Anti-Boycott, Divest, and Sanction (BDS) laws into state legislatures where businesses could potentially lose money if they are unwilling to sell to Israel, such as lose of government contracts, etc.

Relating, to Epstein it is my belief that Epstein was of course a criminal mover and pusher within the circles of power, but whomever he was working for decided to expose him because by doing so it would drive the American pubic crazy because they won’t trust anything, and this feeds into the strategy of those who have bad intentions for the US. Or, they exposed Epstein because they knew it would help drive a Right Wing backlash because the intention is to get a Right Wing president in power to will continue to support the corporate-military complexes behind the scenes, yet while on stage being a “hero actor” who will go after the “Deep State” he or she ironically works for. In other words, all of this anti authoritarian conspiracy minded voters will vote for a “American First” patriotic type character who will actually be the despotic leader needed to bring forth A) “singularity”, but B) also prep for war with powers such as China. Qanon, Epstein, the state version of Russia Gate (though, I do believe there were Russian cells in the USA), etc., as far as stories goes, gives the public a sort of anesthetizing game to play. We are all sleuths on the hunt for answers, yet this was intended, to keep us distracted, and/or to convince us to give away our freedoms to supposed saviors who “sill slay our dragons”.

Yet, even though I do not think a good-faith criticism (such as on humanitarian grounds) of Israel is antisemitic, and even with me acknowledging that antisemitism is worst that it has ever been, I do also suspect that, unfortunately, some Jewish people pull their “antisemitic card” as a means of silencing any criticism of Israel (such as Bari Weiss). For example, as previously stated, the Pro-Palestinian movement being labeled inherently as antisemitic. This silencing of criticism seems to create cognitive dissonance,

So, to keep track, (1) I acknowledge that good faith arguments against Israel are not antisemitic, (2) there is a disturbing trend of normalizing antisemitism these days, (3) some Zionist organizations or operators calling everything antisemitic that may not meet their interests, but there is a fourth concept I want to touch. That is… Actual antisemites pretending to be good-faith humanitarian critics of Israel.

This is where Whitney Webb comes in. Even though it seems she falls into the first category, she has been associated with those of the fourth, so there is a level of ambiguity around her intentions. In other words, is Whitney Webb an antisemite hiding under investigative journalists but gaining fame by exploiting our paranoid society where people are looking for logical answers that connect the dots?

Whitney Webb has been platformed by YouTube podcasters such as Patrick Bet-David with this PBD and Valuetainment podcasts. Bet-David is just another figure in the ecosystem of the right-wing leaning spaces of YouTube where most content creators are directly linked or separated by a few degrees of separation. For example, there has been collaboration of some degree or another between the Manosphere space such as the Fresh and Fit Podcast (who has featured figures such as Sneako and Nick Fuentes who are both antisemites), Rollo Tomassi (who had links to Stefan Molyneux), Andrew Tates, and Pearl “Just Pearly Things” Davis (who platformed Nazi Nick Fuentes and wrong about why we can’t talk about the Jews?) with the Comedian space with creators such as Andrew Schulz, Tim Dillon, Graham Elwood, Joe Rogan (who frequently platformed controversial figures ranging from Alex Jones, Gavin McInnes of the Proud Boys, Jordan Peterson, Stefan Molyneaux, the Weinstein Brothers, Sam Harris with his penchant for the Bell Curve, etc.), Whitney Cummings, etc., with the New Age space with figures such as Russell Brand who represents conspiracy spiritualism, i.e., con-spirituality (which overlapped with the anti-vax and all organic food movement, etc.), but with that of the “Bro space”, i.e., the mostly college age, Barstool Sports following, Wall Street Bets redditor, and pro-capitalist camp that includes the PBD Podcasts stated previously, Jake Tran, the Nelk Boys, the Impaulsive Podcast with Logan Paul and Mike Maijak, various cypto and how to be a dividend king training sites, the Alternative Politics space such as The Greyzone, Glenn Greenwald, Katie Halper, Matt Tiabbi, etc., but also of course the Conspiracy Space which was held down by Alex Jones with his InfoWars stream, Jay Dyer (who has talked extensively about Transhumanism, Smart Cities, , to some extend Shuan Attwood, etc.

Figures from these spaces often overlap and collaborate because of the incentive that YouTube’s algorithm gives to content creators who drive massive amounts of traffic, thus enabling more eyeballs to see more advertisements. In other words, successful people from more sensational spaces are likely to drive content, and this volume equates to more wealth for the creators. As a result, you will see the same faces recycling through the various spaces. You can type in any variation and a video will pop up, e.g., PBD with Andrew Schulz, Fresh and Fit with PBD, Alex Jones with Andrew Schulz, Joe Rogan with Alex Jones, the Nelk Boys (who “interviewed” Trump but never asked the hard questions) with Pearl Davis, etc., and something will pop up.

Part 3

Yet, interestingly…Whitney Webb has appeared on the Tim Dillon Podcast (episode 196, 207, 226, 246, and 355) in the Comedian space. In episode 226 around 1:46:55, Whitney talks about Edward Bernays who was a relative of Sigmund Frued and the father of modern marketing. This sounds innocuous but to an antisemite it is another way of saying Jews are manipulating people through media. We also have PBD Podcast in Bro Space (episode 198 and 270), Glenn Beck on an episode titled: How Elites will create a new class of slaves (episode 162) and RFK in the Conspiracy Space make on March 15, 2022, in the Alternative Politics sphere. Also, she was interviewed by Russell Brand of the New Age Space where he has the full interview on Rumble which is often called Right Wing.

Yet, I remember Whitney Webb from something more nefarious.

A podcast called Know More News by Adam Green who is an antisemite whose platform (which was banned from YouTube before setting up shop on Far-Right server BitChute) used to collaborate with Whitney Webb, multiple times. Adam Green (middle name likely Richard) is from the San Diego area and went to Cal State East Bay in Hayward, CA near San Francisco/San Jose/Oakland where he played basketball according to me hearing that in one of his podcasts. He attended Cal State E.B. from 2009 to 2012, earning a degree in Business Administration and worked while in college as a Rental Agent for Monarch Truck Company in Union City, CA for just over a year. According to Cal State E.B. website, an Adam Greene (spelled differently, likely a typo) in 2009 to 2010 was listed as being from San Marcos, CA, which is in San Diego where it seems Adam resided while making Known More News [See: and He had a short stint at ViaSat, which he said he hated, before moving into podcasting where he started exploring topics such Israel, Chabad, etc., but notably what he considers to be Jewish Supremacy. He admitted he was a big Alex Jones fan before he realized in his opinion that Alex Jones was working for a “Zionist Deep State”.

It is hard for me to believe that Whitney did not know about his and those of his frequent collaborator’s beliefs.

I admit that I use to watch it when it was on YouTube because at first, because I thought it was very good information that criticized Trump’s relationship with Israel, how the military complex and Silicon Valley are investing in Israel (Silicon Wadi), understanding crackdowns on the BDS movement, etc. Yet, as time went on Adam Green stated showing his true paranoid “white genocide” theories and then I stopped watching. I even got into argument with him in the discussion session of one of his videos because he was pushing that idea that protestors against police brutality were controlled by George Soros, i.e., in other words washing over the atrocity of police brutality and twisting the conversation to appeal to white fears about being “taken over” or “overrun”, etc.

Adam Green’s core thesis is that Jews via organizations such as the ADL, WJC, Chabad Lubavitch, etc., wants to take over the world because Jews are a supremacist group who based on the idea of Chosen-ness and that they believe other non-Jewish groups (Goyim) have lesser souls since they are not kosher.

He also believes that the Jews will kill or breed white people out of existence such as pushing this idea of the Kaligri Plan by opening borders (which is something pushed by Patrick Bet David when ranting about Soros and the Open Society Foundation on the Flagrant Podcast with Andrew Schulz – even tough Schulz is not antisemitic.)

See Article: The Happy-Go-Lucky Jewish Group That Connects Trump and Putin: Where Trump’s real estate world meets a top religious ally of the Kremlin. By BEN SCHRECKINGER. April 09, 2017.

See Article: WeWork founder has joined Chabad movement, his mother says: Adam Neumann ‘is an American Chabadnik. He sings songs on Shabbat and lives in Manhattan,’ says Avivit Neumann by Josefin Dolsten 24 October 2019.

But this idea of white genocide was also pushed on the Tucker Carlson show on Fox News, which overlaps with the white supremacist allegations of high numbers of white farmer murders in ANC (African National Congress) controlled South Africa for example. He also talked about the “Dancing Israelis” case which is when allegedly a group of Israelis under the cover of a cleaning service where dancing in celebration as the Twin Towers fell because 9/11 was an inside job partially coordinated by Israel and Netanyahu to drag the US into the disastrous Middle East wars which benefited Israel by the US taking out its enemies. These Israelis were investigated by the FBI before deportation.

Adam Green collaborated with people such as Vincent James (i.e., the Red Elephant), Ryan Dawson, Matthew North, Christopher Jon Bjerknes (he has own site at, RedIceTV with avowed racist Lana Lokteff, etc., meaning Whitney by proxy was in this circle. Adam Green’s works has also been shared on Stormfront and the Renegade Tribune, the latter being a publication that pushes white genocide theories.

For example in the below video, Adam Green praises Henrik and Lana of RedIce TV. See below:

SEE Article by Seyward Darby called The Rise of the Valkyries: Women of the Alt-Right. Link: [CLICK LINK TO SEE VIDEO]


Christopher Jon Bjerknes was very close with Adam Green, and Christopher to my knowledge has the belief that Christianity was a made-up religion intended to overthrow the Roman Empire because of the Jewish grudge with Rome for occupying the Holy Land. He also believes that Jews use Kabbalistic practices to subvert the West. Yet, per a YouTube video that Mr. Bjerknes uploaded titled: Adam Green of Know More News Plagarizes the Work of Christopher Jon Bjerknes where Mr. Bjerknes accuses Mr. Green of taking his ideas. When it comes to Ryan Dawson, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) wrote a report calling out his allegations that Israel was involved in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Yet, when I got to Mr. Bjerknes website, I see a plethora of seemingly unhinged material that all feeds back into this overall coded antisemitic thesis, with even some videos about RFK, Jr., himself.

According to Green and Bjerknes (well, presumably more from Bjerkens due to his allegations of plagiarism from Green)., the Jewish goal notably thru the Talmudic Chabad, the Sabbatean Franks (followers of Sabbatai Levi and later Jacob Frank. See:, and the Kabbalah movement, is to build the Third Temple which is required for the Jewish messiah (the Mashiach) to come (in theory). Israel must remove all non-Jews, destroy Al Aqsa Mosque (Dome on the Rock), build Solomons Temple, and take over the world notably exacting revenge on Europeans (understood in this theory to be the descendants of Esau, the hunter, and Brother to Jacob, a scion of Israel).

The US government notably “Kosher Conservatives” and Democrats per this theory are assisting in accelerating Israel’s consolidation of power by taking an indifferent view to the treatment of the Palestinians.

Bjerknes is under the impression that RFK is actually a pawn of Israel (where I am assuming that he believes RFK Jr.’s antisemitism is a tactic to harvest votes from the ever-growing number of Antisemitic believing conspiracy theorists) According to Malachi Haim Hacohen as published on the Cambridge University Press, presumably from Chapter 3 – Ishmael, and Christian Europe: Medieval Edom from his book, titled: Jacob & Esau: Jewish European History Between Nation and Empire it was stated:

To medieval European Jews, Esau and Edom meant Christian and Christendom, and Jacob & Esau evoked the messianic vision of Christendom’s downfall. “Christian Esau” became an enduring Jewish topos. Spanish (Sephardi) Jews thought of the Jewish Diaspora as living “under Edom and Ishmael” – Ishmael was deemed the Arabs’ ancestor – and interpreted the vision of the Four Empires in the Book of Daniel as presaging liberation from Christian and Muslim rule alike. Historically, the Christian–Jewish confrontation was traumatic in ways the Jewish encounter with Islam never was. While the Holy Roman Empire inherited the Roman imperial title, the Crusades shifted the target of Jewish hatred from the Empire to the Church, as the Pope appeared “the king of kings.” With late medieval persecutions, the kabbalistic Zohar literature signaled a shift from triumphal historical eschatology to cosmological tiqun (healing). Jacob & Esau became cosmogonic forces, and the “Kings of Edom” represented a cosmogonic disaster. As Christians became increasingly familiar with rabbinic literature, they polemicized against the Jewish concept of Edom, but late medieval Christian biblical commentary reflected Jewish views of Edom. Medieval Jewish European history appears as a confrontation of intersecting Jewish and Christian cultures, and the Jews left their imprint on Europe even as they were expelled.

In other words, Bjerken’s either believes that either Europeans are in biblical struggle with the Jews or he’s not religious but he’s taking the medieval Jewish view of Europeans as proof of their vendetta with Christian Europeans (while possibly neglecting the fact that medieval Jews were frequent persecuted by Europeans, e.g., the Spanish Inquisition, York Massacre, Rhineland Massacres, etc.). This Esau Edomite notion is someone common in conspiracy culture, yet, the irony is that the location Edom is essentially modern-day southern Jordan or parts of Northwest Saudi Arabia, and Europeans had existed way before the events depicted in the Bible.

Relating to Matthew North, I had actually stumbled upon his work when I was trying to find good faith criticisms of Joe Rogan around maybe 2018, because Joe Rogan seemed to have been purposely platforming Right Wing (i.e., Intellectual Dark Web figures). It seemed the Rogan was using his podcast as a sort of propaganda platform. I stumbled upon Matthew North’s video titled: Joe Rogan Exposed: CIA ELON MUSK, MAPS, ESALEN, MKULTRA-Neuralink BRAVE NEW WORLD IDW.

This video inspired me to write my blog post on Joe Rogan, however, I refute Matthew North’s antisemitic allegations and expanded upon it to develop my inclusive ACZS Network idea to include Jews, Saudi Sunni Muslims, and predominately white Protestant and Catholics of the US, UK, and Continental Europe. My ACZS idea was also inspired by some notes I had picked up from Jay Dyer in his analysis of the Anglo-American (Atlanticist) networks inspired by his reviews of Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quigly, The Grand Chessboard by Zbigniew Brezinski, etc. Yet, like North, I refuted Dyer’s seemingly Pro-Russian stance, because Dyer like most Western conspiracy theorists or independent journalists often keep the lens on America and not other powers such as the Kremlin. For instance, Dyer I have never heard calling out the Kremlin for assassinations of dissents. Also, Dyer has a very Christian based viewpoint, so he refutes the claims of scientific method, etc. He actually considers science to be an occultic ideology based on neoplatonic ideas. So, despite many good sources and readings by Dyer, I really want nothing to much to do with him.

For example, we rarely hear about the French the General Directorate for External Security, the German Federal Intelligence Service (BND), the Canadian Security Intelligence Services (CSIS), the Italian External Intelligence and Security Agency (AISE), etc. It seems convenient to solely talk about the CIA which could ironically be an expression of American Exceptionalism, i.e., the USA is the center of the universe, and by focusing purely on the CIA, we not only give the USA all the blame but we ignore the possible crimes or undemocratic interventions by other superpowers. Hence, focusing on the CIA could be considered a type of anti-American propaganda feeding into our enemy’s plans, i.e., reducing American soft power, trying to accelerate the dumping of US currency as the reserve banking note of the world, etc.

Below is the video by Matthew North. I repeat, I ignore and disagree with any of his antisemitic remarks, because to me the world is not ran by “Jews” but rather by factions of various groups representing various interest who work in tandem. Note: I do not know Matthew North personally. But, supposedly he committed suicide? If true, regardless of his beliefs, that is unfortunate, yet, Matt despite being smart, did seem a little paranoid, but I have no idea.

Relating to Ryan Dawson, according to the ADL (2010) in their publication, titled: Decade of Deceit: Anti-Semitic 9/11 Conspiracy Theories 10 Years Later, published on August 30, 2011, stated, “Two videos in particular, Missing Links: The Definitive Truth About 9/11, produced by Mike Delaney, and War by Deception, by Ryan Dawson, make virulently anti-Semitic claims about the 9/11 attacks. The two films, both over two hours long, have been viewed by tens of thousands of people despite their length. In “War by Deception,” made originally in 2008 and updated in 2011, Dawson presents the “standard” anti-Semitic conspiratorial view of the 9/11 attacks as a false flag operation carried out by Israel. He lays out one conspiracy theory after another that blame Jews and the Mossad for the 9/11 attacks and for the subsequent war in Iraq. Dawson, who runs an anti neo-conservative forum, paints the Israeli government and Jewish members of the Bush Administration as part of an evil cabal that wanted to control the world. In his narration, Dawson asks “Who is compounding the lies? Who is continuing the narrative? Who has the power to cover it up?” His answer is that the “source of lies” about the 9/11 attacks is “Israeli intelligence and the Zionist cabal.” Like other figures who promote anti-Semitic 9/11 conspiracy theories, Dawson’s views about Israel’s alleged involvement in the 9/11 attacks are linked to his view of Israel as a “brutal apartheid regime.”” (End quote by ADL, 2011)

Here is link I found online to an audiobook or podcast featuring Ryan Dawson. See:

Adam Green’s ideas were rehashing of the old ZOG (Zionist Occupied Government) idea.

This ZOG conspiracy theory is the same conspiracy theory that led to the Poway Synagogue Shooting perpetrated by John Timothy Earnest on April 29, 2019, and the Tree of Life Pittsburg Synagogue Shooting done on October 27, 2018, by Robert Bowers.

It was complicated. I watched his podcast almost as if I was gathering intel about the topics he was talking about, but also keeping tabs on him in general particularly as he “let the mask off”. In other words, I discovered legitimate concerns about Zionism and its relationship to Trump, Russia, etc., yet, I also become more aware of the threat of white supremacy especially online. My goal is to separate legitimate concerns about Israel, even though I do not hate Israel (it has a right to exist), from conspiracy theories that catered solely toward white racism and victimhood.

Part 4

Whitney Webb has gotten popular with her thesis about how Israel is using entrapment methods to take over or corrupt the US government. Yet, I know that she did not come up with this herself. There was already an existing underground online community researching for non-racist and racist means the relationship of the Zionist lobby to the US government.

The general theory, at least relating to modern America is the Jewish Mob, Zionists, etc., infiltrated the US government via the neoconservative movement particularly that of the McCarthy Era with figures not limited to Roy Cohn, who would later go on to be Donald Trump’s mentor. The idea is that there was always a Zionist plot to take over American to protect Israel and they did this by using sexual entrapment, which is something later that Epstein and the Maxwells were accused of doing himself. There was overlap between the CIA, Mossad, etc.. This all feeds into the upcoming “technological singularity” of a controlled state of smart cities, pre-crime initiatives, mass surveillance, digital money, etc.

The question to me is, is there any truth to any of this?

My answer is yes, there is, but the thing about conspiracy theorist notable relating to the topics I am writing about is that they point ALL THE BLAME of Jews as a means of diverting from the truth that people who are not Jewish have as much if not more power and influence.

It is a silly statement to say that Jews run the world because if they did then why would Israel not have already “taken over” the Middle East according to the conspiracy theory called the “Greater Israel Project”? Why would so many Jews be victims of antisemitic attacks if they ruled all the levers of power?

This is why I developed my separate non-antisemitic concept of the “ACZS” network, i.e., the Anglo-American, Continental, Zionist, and Saud Network as a better and more logical way of describing the power base that runs the Western world. This network is synonymous with a collective of rivals that are often friendly with each other but also compete, i.e., “frenemies”. This network includes mostly white Americans and British elites that are mostly Protestants (for example Ivy League Schools and exclusive prep school leagues such as the Eight Schools Association, that produced many politicians, business leaders, and intel officers, were predominantly founded by Protestant denominations. Note, we’ve only had one Catholic President who was assassinated while all others have been Protestant). Traditionally of the older East Coast Blue Blood stock but later incorporated Wild West industrialists in Big Oil and those of the Pacific Coast in California, i.e., the Cowboy faction.

This network also includes the Continental which is a nickname to represent Europeans who are presented by both Protestant interests notably of Germanic nations but also heavily Catholic interests, and both of these factions are often expressed by European nobility – both high and low (i.e., the ones you rarely hear about but still hold title and land) who have shifted their old power into new means of making money such as private equity via tax-havens such as Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Andorra, Vatican City, etc. They collaborate via old knightly orders, i.e., the Knights of Malta, the Teutonic Knights, etc., which are essentially the old-world equivalent of social clubs and have direct ties to the Papacy. Europe is the base of NATO and therefore was involved with Operation Gladio that has been discussed by many scholars and online amateur content creators.

Then we have the Zionists who are mostly Jewish outright, yet because of Evangelical Christianity in both the United States and England (i.e., British Israelism. See:, there are many non-ethnic Jewish people who support Israel largely because of religion, e.g., the evangelical belief in the Second Coming of Christ, Armageddon, etc. Since Jews have a history of migrating, there is a strong “international” network of collaboration but strongly in the UK and the USA where there was less antisemitism as compared to Continental Europe, e.g., pogroms, the Rhineland Massacres, etc. This group from Israel directly or from Jews abroad (who get citizenship for being Jewish) collaborate, etc., but this group in the United States does have influence over both political parties, yet often sides more so with Right Wing politics ironically because of the militaristic and religious elements that play into Israel’s defense of itself. Then we have the Saudi Royal Family who overseas one of the world largest proven oil reserves. The Saud’s are synonymous with OPEC and a leader amongst the other OPEC nations.

This ACSZ Network includes affiliates such as the Japanese representing the Far Right East traditionally, though South Korea, etc., has gained more prominence as things have heated up against China.

But there are other syndicates such as the Sino-Russian Syndicate who serves as the biggest hedge to the ACSZ and the Sino-Russian’s often reach out to Iran, considering the US has not mended its relationship with Iran (pronounced e-Ran). But the Jews have the ability to move between the Western ACSZ and the Russians in their own syndicate because historically many Ashkenazi Jews descend from Russia and the former Pale Settlement (Belarus, parts of Ukraine and Russia, etc.). This is why in my opinion the MAGA movement of Trump was interesting because figures such as Jared Kushner, who is of the Chabad sect, was attempting to almost unite Russia with the USA where both superpowers could protect Israel (note: Russian is the second most spoken language in Israel). MAGA tried to subvert standard US foreign policy by inviting Russia into the ACSZ Network, yet, it is my belief that Russia wasn’t fully trusted by the Western intelligence community because of Russia’s constant antagonizing of Western strategy, assassinations of journalists (which may allude to more violence amongst actual intel agents), arms dealing to US enemies, obstruction in international bodies such as the United Nations, etc.

Part 5

In conclusion, I do not know what to make of Whitney Webb. She reminds me a little bit of Millennial as opposed to older Gen Xer with Annie Jacobsen, who wrote the book The Pentagon’s Brain: An Uncensored History of DARPA [See:]. Yet, she also seems

I am not sure if she antisemitic. I do not consider myself to be even though I was interested in many of the same topics as she is. However, I did not at one point collaborate with a known antisemite, Adam Green, and I also do not have content on sites such as Gab, Rumble, and BitChute which are known for having Far Right, Neo Nazi, and conspiracy-based content.

To me, I find it wise of Whitney to get ahead of this and continue, hopefully, to differentiate between her research and antisemitism. Her history mixed with her current interviewing with RFK, Jr., makes Whitney a bit ambiguous, despite the vast wealth of knowledge she has shared in non-racist spaces such as on the Tim Dillion podcast.

Some Sources:

Anti-Defamation Leagues, i.e., ADL (30 August 2011), titled: Decade of Deceit: Anti-Semitic 9/11 Conspiracy Theories 10 Years Later, source:

Green, A (24 March 2020), title: Coronavirus: The Police State Perfect Storm w/ Whitney Webb, source:

Linton, C (3 November 2018), titled: Gab gets new domain host, expects to be back online Sunday, source:

Whitney Webb Delivers EXPLOSIVE Interview on Adam Green’s “Know More News” Show – You Cannot Unhear The Coronavirus Truth, source:

#history #covid #epstein #whitneywebb

Republican hypocrisy on talks of military diversity, equity and inclusion. Officers don’t test for rank & Physical Testing isn’t even factored. By Quinton Mitchell (Honorably Discharged USAF Veteran and US Army Brat)

The military is not as meritocratic as what people think. Officers don’t test like enlisted personnel do.

See other link for extra reading:

Republicans on their constant quest for Culture War, as a means of brainwashing the public to hate progress as the rich get richer, our environment goes down the dumps, and capitalism is running out of things to exploit as we all live part time in toxic digital spaces, etc., are now saying that the military does not need diversity, or more specifically “diversity quotas” or “affirmative action”, and that the military should only be about meritocracy.

These Congressional discussions are in the wake of the Supreme Court banning affirmative action at certain private colleges, which has led many to think this will create precedent throughout the entire college admissions process across the county.

Still hot on their victory, Republicans seem to be operating under the mindset of “we have an inch, so we are going to take a mile” mentality. This means that they are taking any concept of diversity to bat, even if diversity is a force multiplier when it comes to national defense. By force multiplier, I mean something that gives the US military a strategic advantage and create synergies, e.g., (for example), the ability to have people from various backgrounds, the ability to have people who speak various languages which are vital for translating, the fact that foreign nations might relate more to people that look like them as opposed to seeing a bunch of white males who may be seen as colonizers or invaders, etc.

Also, Republicans like many conservatives assume that diversity is forced, i.e., that traditional minority groups are only in college, business, or the military because of crutches at the expense of white people, when many people of minority groups are in positions of power because of meritocracy, i.e., their hard work, personality, timing, how they “played the game”, etc., and not because of their identity.

Republicans have this agenda of stewing white rage, despite white people still being the majority, and many immigrant groups that are non-Anglo-Saxon, i.e., Germanic and/or Celtic groups (i.e., Northern and Central Europeans), such as Latinos still identifying as white in many cases, since Hispanic/Latino are ethnicities and not races (though we in the USA often see Latino as a different race since it’s based on a “different programming”, i.e., it is more Catholic and Spanish, rather than Germanic based and Protestant, but also Many Hispanic Latinos in the US are Mestizo, notably of Chicano heritage meaning they have partial indigenous American roots).

The interesting thing is that the military is not as meritocratic as civilians might think or how conservative veterans may explain things on “the inside” as they flaunt their military service to silence those who didn’t serve.

For example, officers don’t test for their rank as compared to enlisted personnel who must test for their rank. So how is this meritocratic?

First off, because of the Mike Rowe Dirty Work sentiment more prevalent in conservative politics that stresses that college is overrated as compared to blue-collar (working with your hands) skilled work, and adding on the fact that conservatives such as Tucker Carlson have called colleges something akin to “Communist indoctrination centers”,  I find it interesting that in order to be an officer one must have a college degree (so I guess they fail the “anti-woke” tests”?).

Secondly, that those who gain a commission as an officer in the United States military don’t have to have test for rank or promotion.

So, while conservatives attempt to gas-light the public into believing that our ever-growing progressive society is “anti-white”, especially anti-white straight Christian male, they fail to mention that officers, yes – our higher paid, college educated, quasi-fraternity like leaders – don’t have to test for rank.

Promotions are almost guaranteed until you get to certain levels, i.e., a junior enlisted officer may have different expectations as opposed to field grade (or, mid-grade) officers, general level officers, etc.

Yes, officers like enlisted must study for their career development (such as they will go to Technical Training or TDY, i.e., Tour of Duty, for advanced learning), yet when it comes to enlisted forces, they must pass courses to get pass junior enlisted to the non-commissioned officer ranks (sergeants and above depending on branch).

For example, when I was in the military, I did trainings or course work as far as my job (sometimes among officers) as means of getting certified from an apprentice to a journeyman, but when it came to promotion from E4 (Senior Airman) to E5 (Staff Sergeant) I had to test and pass (a two part exam on my job skills and another on general military history/etiquette, etc.), whereas officers simply gained rank on time, board reviews, and behavior without testing. Does that make sense?

Simply put, to do your job you need to have training, but to promote, testing on your job is required for enlisted but not for officers, even though if an officer does poorly in job course work this may be counted against them on their Officer Performance Report (OPR) but it may not hinder them from achieving rank, yet it depends on what higher ups determine. “Testing” only really becomes important once officers start needing War College level training where they learn how to command in foreign theaters, command multiple forces where some may be foreign militaries, etc., but these may not happen until you hit Major or Lt. Colonel (or, equivalent type ranks).

So, is it really meritocracy in the officer ranks? You can make it to Captain or Major and not be that bright of a person or not be battle tested, yet you made those ranks on time rather than necessary proven tested aptitude.

Separately, in the Air Force at least, a person’s Physical Testing scores aren’t factored in to rank promotions, and adding insult to injury, passing requirements for rank promotions vary form year to year, meaning some years you may need an 85% to pass, whereas others you may need a 95% to pass.

So, there’s no clear way of comparing troops, especially between officers and enlisted, let alone between enlisted and enlisted. For example, I had leaders who tested lower than what I scored on my promotion exams, and were way more out of shape (barely pass their PT tests), etc. In theory, there’s people who partied through college, did ROTC, and now are making 2.5x or more than enlisted personnel.

Ironically, and adding more insult to injury, officer promotions such as in the US Air Force as based more on achieving goals, community service, leadership activities, etc. It’s more like a corporate annual review you might see with your boss in corporate America, after you have a few quarterly or a mid-year check in.  

Officers are evaluated more on a “good ole boy” and “peer review” system, meaning that at higher levels that there might be favoritism when getting selected since you essentially interview before a board. Boards occur in enlisted ranks but often only senior enlisted ranks, yet, still enlisted personnel must test for rank.

Without saying it, you may be discriminated against such as whether you were an “Academy cadet” as opposed to an ROTC, Enlisted-to-Officer, or general commissioned officer (i.e., a person off the street with a degree who gets a commission after doing Officer Candidate School or Office Training Schools depending on branch).

So why is it like this?

The simplest answer in my opinion is that enlisted do the actual work, whereas officers are in leadership roles, so it’s not so much about knowing your job but rather ensuring your workers are doing their job. The concept of officer’s dates to medieval times when feudalism existed.  

If you want a true meritocracy you would abolish the two-tier enlisted and officer system and have promotions be based on education, testing, PT scores, interviews, communication skills, etc.