Does “Black Philosophy” Actually Exist? On the Establishment of a Southern School of Philosophy by Quinton Mitchell

Being a Black American, I noticed that a lot of the more vocal, fiery, and/or analytical voices within Black Liberation politics often attempt to be at odds with “Western philosophy”, yet, they are indelibly… Western through and through.

Most Black Liberation Politics centers around Continental Leftist and or liberal (in the classical sense onwards) types of ideology centering around concepts such as deconstruction, post-structuralism, Critical Theory, existentialism to many extents, anti-colonialism, post-colonialism, and some degree postmodernism (e.g., hip hop as a late stage capitalist form of music that blurs high art with low art, pastiche, hyper capitalism, the subjectivity of morality, pop culture, etc.).

But, for those within Black Liberation politics, stretching from the Ivory Tower college seminars with the stereotypical dred-locked wise sage professor, to YouTube video essayists with their evermore ridiculous thumbnails to attract eyeballs (yes, I am talking about “Foreign Man in a Foreign Land”, etc.), and all the way to fringe cults pushing antediluvian Black Supremacist origin stories (even throw in a few UFOs or mad scientists, e.g., The Nation of Islam, Nuwabians, Hoteps, etc.), what I notice is…. there is no real black philosophy.

Rather, we what we have is blackness expressed through Western philosophy.

What I’m saying is….is that most of the Black Nationalist or liberation types who are quick to call another person’s “blackness” into question, even going so far as using white supremacist Antebellum slavery monikers towards each other, i.e., house slave, house negro, coon, Uncle Tom, the N-word, etc., but these Black Nationalist and liberation types are….living in the “House”, i.e., the house is the Western civilization including its philosophy.

So, to appear to be at odds with the West, when in essence we are products of the West, including using its language, didactic, etc., is ironic. In other words, don’t pretend that you’re higher or holier or more “organic” simply because you push pro-blackness when we are all living collectively under the roof of the house. The only way to truly alleviate this dilemma is to…leave the West.

Full unplug form the West or rather attempt at establishing a coherent “Black Philosophy” or “Southern Philosophy” that with academic rigor pools various indigenous African philosophies under one umbrella. No conspiracy theory, no anti-white girl paranoid black female nonsense, no toxic masculinity, but literal hitting the books and creating a framework that spans ethics, logic, etc.

I say Southern philosophy because we obviously know that Eastern typically represents Asian and/or Indian Subcontinent frameworks spanning Hinduism, Daoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, etc., whereas Western philosophy touches upon everything from the Sages, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Hegel, Continentals vs Analytics, etc. In other words, we live under a global “Eurasianist” viewpoint, which isn’t bad necessarily, but the problem is that it excludes the philosophical frameworks of other parts of planet, so we can’t have a truly united human specifies until we include other frameworks or test them at least.

My call, yes, Quinton Mitchell is saying, that there should be a Southern Philosophy that emphasis the major categories of philosophy such as Ethics, Metaphysics, Epistemology, Logic, and Aesthetics. This could be done my using game theory, Artificial Intelligence, computer regressions, etc.

Social Media Destroyed the World. Let’s Be Real. It ruined so much by Quinton Mitchell

Referencing the film Fight Club is quasi-cringey because it represents every angry, in your twenties, posters on the wall without a frame, cliff-note Bukowski, jaded, wannabe Nietzschean “edge lord” that most of us, especially men, have dealt with.

But almost in my forties, over most things, and arguably…content mostly, etc., I do admit I daydream about how Edward Norton saw the banking buildings at the end of the film go down in rubble, but instead of banks, I envision social media companies. Seeing all the symbols come crashing down to Earth. The blue bird of Twitter, well – now the way too bright X shinning down in San Franscisco as drug addicts hiss in piss filled streets being bought up by hedge funds like BlackRock or Vanguard. The F of Facebook. The almost Hello Kitty looking camera symbol of Instagram. This, that, whatever. Yet, before I get flagged, I just want to say I’m not really serious – at least about any violence or destruction, though a world without social media, at least as it is now, would be much better, healthier, etc.

But I don’t hate Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, etc., though, yes, Elon is lame, but when I think of a person like Mark or Jack, I see optimists who had a dream they couldn’t’ control and still can’t control but can’t admit they don’t have control because they’re in charge of capitalist enterprises bent on profits. In other words, Mark, etc., signed out and could care less if the world burns. This adds on more to the irony. Analogous to demi-gods they created a universe but are letting it crumble because they didn’t comprehend the sheer power.

Books aren’t dead but they very well may be dead. To read means to sign out, and to feel catharsis must now be shared instead of silently appreciated by oneself. Basic cable, though organized and safe, doesn’t stimulate us as much as streaming where we can customize our experiences. Social media reigns supreme but still it’s…inhuman. Maybe it’s too convenient? With such an easy way of getting information, maybe it’s making us dumber, yet living in a world that requires us to keep track of the ever-growing interconnectivity of things, that is why people are…depressed? Stupidity mixed with complexity creates a dialectical tension that leads to hopelessness as one realizes they become masters-of-none, just repositories of trivial information.

At least, you get off with porn, though sure, many will say that too is bad, yet at least you get a spike of some naturally occurring chemicals in your body.

With basic social media…what is it even really for? To feel bad? To flex wealth? To juxtapose our romantic relationships against that of others to remind us that we should be happy where we are rather than being “single” or with someone else? To pretend to be a wise sage even though deep down instead you’re just speaking to yourself but through others without the fear of having to actually deal with…people? Are we just projecting our fears out onto the electric ether just like how a child who sees a scary movie will tell his or her friends about it, so they too are afraid but in that collective fear comes comfort, solace?

I think a healthy New Years resolution would be to spend less time on social media. And I get that is hard because in many ways we have “social media friends”, i.e., people we’ve met online who we’ve vetted who are people we consider to be on friendly terms with though you may not have ever physically have met the person. People who know you exist and are a person with a life in a world that may not see that. There are also legitimate close ties with people in your actual personal lives (friends, family, co-workers, business connections, etc.). Yet, the good parts aside, the truth is social media has destroyed the planet.

As with most tools, humans get utility out of it, but most tools become corrupted because of our innate nature as self-serving, self-preserving, aggressive yet passive-aggressive creatures. Instead of saying hello, we spy and snoop. Instead of trying to find common ground, we instead agitate an already agitated public. Instead of pursing our dreams in the real world, we scroll.

We don’t even need to fear Artificial Intelligence because we as humans have a good enough job at driving ourselves crazy, making alternative universes, pushing a culture of solipsistic post-truths, etc.

It will take us as a society to teach the social media companies a lesson by not spending so much on time so they can’t mine our data, etc.

Social media is a postmodern cesspool of racial tension against all groups, conspiracy theories (spanning the Great Replacement Theory, the New World Order, Blood Libel by Jews, a belief we are being turned gay, etc.), racial conspiracy theories, antisemitism, misogyny, sovereign citizens, Qanon, Manosphere & Men’s Rights shaming videos that feed the insatiable appetites of Incels across the blob of angry men who LARP (live action role play) in video games about killing people or dying honorably in battle. Men who struggle with women and publicly commit to “no fapping” (masturbating) as a means of tapping into their inner Marcus Aurelius but taking out their sexual repression on women by providing “fatherly words of wisdom” to women who they think have no minds of their own. How many Pakistanis, Saudis, or other horny Middle Eastern men using VPNs to access Western porn/women are the ones actually crying about their alleged addictions?

Let’s not forget the Instagram “thirst trap” models of large squat sculpted buttocks, sultry MILFs, what have you, but also…bot accounts, covert government operations both foreign and domestic, etc. Or wait, the annoying street interviewers attempting to make people seem stupid or lost for whatever agenda they are really about, such as “drinking liberal snowflake tears.” 

You never know if its Iranian intelligence firms with bot armies infiltrating black “woke” Marxist liberation sites to stoke anti-whitey sentiments because Iran knows they have a backdoor plug into the Black American community via Muslim adjacent hate groups such as the Nation of Islam with figures such as Rizza Islam.

You never know if Israel Unit 8200 bot accounts ran by drafted Israeli teens are stoking racial division to keep the eyes away from Israel and that it’s not Jews behind the scenes but rather hordes of Muslim refugees flooding Europe who will topple the West.

You never know if Russian bot accounts are stoking unrest by infiltrating American Conservative politics as a means of depicting the West as a “corrupt, amoral, Sodom and Gomorrah” so more and more paranoid white Americans and Europeans see Putin as “big daddy savior” of Christendom.

You never know if what you’re seeing is being ran by a legitimate cult who are pushing every New Age conspiracy theory that intends to unravel our linear view of history apart. You never know if hate groups like the Aryan Brotherhood, or any other aspiring group are behind many accounts. You never know if it’s the CIA, FBI, DEA, ATF, local police, MI5/6, Mossad, etc.

We are literally living in a William Gibson Neuromancer nightmare, and we all know it, but we don’t know how to express it because outside of social media, in perfect American fashion for example, we’ve all been trained to be self-serving individuals. Despite out own quiet desperations and ennui, if we see such melancholy elsewhere, we are now trained to simple walk over the dying bodies of others, because we are too busy “manifesting” our own happy little worlds. Any whiff of negativity could lead to the dreaded…unfollow.

It is everything that Philip K Dick lost his mind over.

Social Media is arguably MK Ultra 2.0. A brainwashing tool for various parties, some in unison, and some in opposition, who fart out toxicity to scramble the general public’s brain.

I’ve literally been seeing people get murdered on social media. Seeing the N word is just commonplace now and even if reported, sites like Instagram do nothing. Nudity is even acceptable.

The thing is…it’s all insanity. It’s to the point where I make it a hobby to block accounts. I’ll literally try to block 50 a day because many are just replica accounts, often pushing Right Wing social conditioning that mixes a denunciation of progressive politics with a worship of capitalist greed, misogyny, Abrahamic religion, doomsday Revelation fears, etc. It’s as if the Koch Brother Foundation along with the John Birch Society wrote a blank check and gave it to a bunch of Young Republican college kids and shills like Charley Kirk to fart out as many bot accounts as they can as a means of pulling the youth to the far right, just because rich people or aspiring rich people want a tax break.

Social media is a joke

Deconstructed to an animal impulse the only thing on social media that makes me somewhat happy is a combination of food porn, glamour shots of retro porn actresses from the 90s to 80s, history stuff, and models in yoga pants.

Sex, food, daydreams

The only way to really fix social media is to (1) Dox everyone, i.e., make it some everyone’s real first name, age, and country of origin is on their profile because this will expose the armies of chaos agents stoking tension. Imagine if that Right Wing Anti-SJW account is owned by Boris in some oblast in Russia or Ahmed as the IT guy working with the Iranian Revolutionary guard or a Jewish kid with braces doing a high school project funded by the IDF. (2) Limit the number of accounts a person can have/hunt down replica accounts and limiting how many times a specific video can be uploaded or using digital forensics of some sort to post the date that photos or videos were taken in order to add context to conversations. For example, a racist account intent of shaming black people will upload frequent videos of black crime or racial tension when certain videos may be very old, but pretending they are new helps to feed the current narrative that black people are these “ungrateful criminals” intent on “killing the white man”. (3) More culturally sensitive content moderators because an Indian person in a cubical may not get certain American nuances or vice versa. (4) An active campaign to fight conspiracy theories by having users list sources. (5) Partnerships with sites such as Ground News to help show the political biases of articles (6) continued parental controls

Social media is too cerebral.

It reveals everything ugly about us without any way of making us better. Even most self-help just serve to reduce one into a consumerist bot.

But I saw some good food and yes, some great feminine, squat-sculpted powerful buttocks in an array of multi-colored synthetic material leggings. At least I am honest.

Am I Jack Gladney from White Noise? Are we all?

#philosophy #relationships #socialmedia #technology #books

A theory on how to fix the Student Loan Situation or the Debt Burden without direct-taxes. The Federal Reserve: What the elites, banks, corporations, and stock market don’t want us to think about by Quinton Mitchell

I could be wrong but a guy can dream or theorize.

Print money. Force banks to credit it into peoples accounts. People will pay down their debt or blow that money buying things or invest in themselves. Or, print money and directly pay the student loan companies. The Treasury and IRS on the preceding year’s tax return will have a section where people declare their actual debts, and then the Treasury calculates their “credit” based on debt-to-income ratio, the Cost of Living Adjustments for the area they live, number of dependents, and even special perks such as veteran, disabled veterans, etc., statuses. Everyone will pay higher prices over time through inflation, collectively. For an ad hoc analogy, would you rather pay 2.25 for a simple candy bar and be debt free now, or still be debt ridden and pay for a candy bar that’s around the same price today at 1.99? Whenever an “old timer” uses that “back in my day” analogy, what they don’t mention is they do notice the price increase, sure, but the relative price of everything went up, so they don’t really notice.

Whenever the Democrat candidates talk about free education or cancelling student loan debt, I’m down for that, but the issue is they’re talking about taxation and new entitlement programs. This is fine and general polling suggests that people are for this, but wants and reality, especially regarding our still massive lobbying industry is the issue. Sure, we can definitely pay for these, such as for example, by cutting and capping the Defense Budget, yet, the Military Industrial Complex is an ecosystem, not explicitly a few major prime contractors. The M.I.C. is small businesses, medium businesses, independent contractors, suppliers, the works. From uniforms made in a factory in Vermont, to IT services, to food vendors at every cafeteria on every base for enlisted troops, to barbers, office supplies, extension campuses of universities that provide education to troops, major construction firms and their smaller subs, all the apartments and houses near bases, etc. As far as the pricing structure of college as is, it was largely the government that helped drive up prices by subsidizing it, but also pure waste and greed by administrators, not to mention poor inefficiencies in how colleges operate, such as having small private expensive schools not merging into comprehensive university systems and/or running efficient endowment portfolios. Not to mention the fact that private business gets an easy ride when it comes to labor since they have no overhead in the game. Candidates are forced by hiring criteria to go to school, just to complete in a competitive global, yes, global economy. Unlike the Mike Rowe psy-op, not everyone can simply got trade skills, and I have a theory (jokingly) is that the reason why people have some many tattoos, is because so many people didn’t go to college and because tattoo artists, or we have so many “funky” hairdos is because everyone is a hair stylist (these are cool professions – not hating). Lowering hiring criteria by companies; merging smaller schools; increasing the quality of a high school diplomas so it’s an equivalent to an associates degree, etc., would help. YET… we have a trillion dollars of existing student loans with no bailout protection. We can either 1) Tax the rich or 2) Print Money and charge everyone inflation – the rich included – over time.

Regardless, this bailout of the people, a peoples’ QE (Quantitative Easing) already should’ve happened, because if the US economy ever hits recession again (with some saying we’re beyond the 9 year average, so we’re due), then the Federal Reserve won’t have many tools to use (despite, negative interest rates as is the case in the EU, and/or, continuing to hold onto Treasury bonds), and of course big business will get bailed out (it’s basically in the US Auto Industry’s soul to do this). The people will get boned, still pay taxes, still pay inflation, conservatives will blame immigrants, liberals will blame rich people, but everyone will suffer from increased unemployment (all in a nation Since banks will see a loss as people pay off credit card, auto loan, mortgages, student loans, medical loans, etc., the banks can be recouped by a future interest rate hike and/or higher taxes on the rich and corporations, i.e., the banks make money eventually, but the “Free Money” theory would help clean the slate so we can all move forward. Banks might lose out on long term low interest loans, but they’ll gain in the future from higher interest long rate loans, but the slate will be clear for the people, and a higher interest rates improves savings (you get more interest on personal deposits).

The Austrian, Jeffersonian, Rand or Ron or Ren or Stimpy whatever Paul crowd, is right but wrong on the Fed (I don’ that hate Ron Paul). Yes, it is weird. However, if it truly worked for the people it would be great. If the government charter’s the bank, then don’t revoke it, just make them help actual Americans. The problem is that it serves as a private bank for elite industrialist and banks, with people coming in last – just happy to have a job in an economy with built in business-cycle busts from inevitable declines in aggregate demand and consumption, that we justify as being “natural forces”.

My mind is a little fuzzy on the schematics of how it all works, but the general ideas is what I’m aiming for. To get to the point, the Federal Reserve has been pumping billions upon billions into the financial system while the general public goes on about their daily lives… Dancing With the Stars, Netflix show-binges, drooling over Instagram models, and countless hours to letting Joe Rogan keep us entertained. I believe we’re currently in QE4 or Quantitative Easing Round Four, meaning that since the 2008 Financial Crisis causing the Great Recession, that the Federal Reserve and US Treasury have infused billions upon billions of dollars into the Financial System and thus the Corporate and Wall Street Sector.

The general public got none of that directly. Can the people get at least one round of direct QE to themselves and directly into their own pockets? Quantitative Easing is a monetary management policy by the Fed that came during the Recession under Ben Bernanke. The Fed bought large volumes of potentially worthless bonds from the Treasury when the floor fell out from under us as the Subprime Mortgage bubble busted, and by holding those bonds, they vouched for the US economy, but used their “tool set” of “knob adjustments” to help, such as lowering the benchmark interest rate, adjusting reserve requirements, etc. This helped with to help stimulate growth in an anemic economy and there wasn’t much Obama really could do but act cool and entertain or inspire us in bits as the economy recovered. Taxes were already low. The Fed was involved… We were in a bad spot. Trump got the good end of it as the economy was rebounding upward in the last years of Obama, but Trump injected adrenaline and cocaine directly into the heart. The Fed and Treasury bailed out the economy and the elites and nothing came of it…no major arrests, and slap on the wrist fines. The sad truth is…the rich wanted the economy to tank, the same way Black Friday shoppers hope they can go crazy at a liquidation sale.

To add insult to injury, relating to my reference of QE4 is that the Fed pumped in billions to help the financial system. According to McCormick and Harris (2019), ” In its first direct injection of cash to the banking sector since the financial crisis, it laid out as much as $75 billion a day in temporary cash over four days to quell the funding crunch and push the effective fed funds rate down. In what are known as overnight system repos, the Fed lent cash to primary dealers against Treasury securities or other collateral. ” Further, McCormick and Harris (2019), adds, “In the week of Sept. 16, a lot of cash flowed out of the repo pipes just as more securities were flowing in — meaning that suddenly there wasn’t enough cash for those who needed it. That mismatch drove overnight repo rates to 10% on Sept. 17, from about 2% the week before. More alarming for the Fed was the way volatility in the repo market pushed the effective federal funds rate to 2.30%, above the 2.25% upper limit of the Fed’s target range — just as the Fed was preparing to drop that ceiling to 2%. “

The banks can get billions of dollars pumped into their reserves or portfolios, but that “created money”, is being charged to the general public over time through inflation, then…why can the Federal Reserve, give the public their own round of Quantitative Easing? Seriously, the Federal Reserve could pump money into the banks, force the banks to credit that money into people’s accounts, and people could pay down their debt, but pay “inflation tax” over time as prices gradually increase as the supply of dollars balances out with the aggregate demand of the overall economy. Essentially, we’ll pay inflation gradually over time, and with the public paying down debt, with their actual earnings from their labor, they will use that money to stimulate the overall economy through consumerism and consumption.

This is how the Financial System works in my head. I call it the “Financial Trinity”. The Treasury issues IOUs, i.e., bonds, notes, bills, coupons, etc., but then sells them to the public, with the majority going to average citizens, mutual funds, foreign banks or foreign national trusts (such as the Japanese Pension program), corporations, etc. Yet, the Federal Reserve buys the vast majority of these IOUs which it holds on its portfolio. The Federal Reserve holds this debt as collateral to vouch for the government, but also more importantly to vouch for the dollar. By holding this collateral the Federal Reserve triggers the mints (though people say the “Fed doesn’t print money”) to print cash, drive them to banks, deposit them in vaults, then those dollars are lent at interest rates to the general public, and the bank takes their cut. Banks then put a level of reserves with the Fed as collateral and banks and/or the Fed often make special interest rate loans between themselves in the overnight lending window and commercial paper or repo markets. When bonds mature, the Treasury pays its bond holders (largely from tax revenues taxed from the overall economy which is linked to the banking system), but remember, the largest one is the Federal Reserve. It’s a cycle.

(1) Treasury issues IOUs (2) Federal Reserve “buys” those and holds them as collateral (3) Mints print money and that money goes to banks (4) banks lend out the money, collect interests, and people use money in the productive economy. Banks also have a special market or “repo” market (think pawn shop as stated by McCormick & Harris, 2019) when they borrow money to meet payroll, etc. (5) Treasury collects taxes and then as bonds mature they pay bond holders, with one of the largest being the Federal Reserve, and the Fed can either hold on to those bonds or they let them expire from their portfolio. Inflation occurs as the volume of supply of dollars adjust to the demand for those dollars. “Dollars” don’t simply disappear, but since they’re accounted for, if there’s an excess their value absorbs into prices and prices rise over time. Dollars in a fiat based or Keynesian system serves as a stimulus, away from fixed assets like gold which tend to be horded by gold-holders, but that stimulus has to be used correctly and rarely does the actual cash get directly infused into the peoples’ pockets. It goes to banks who lend that cash out to high-dollar real estate projects, which is one reason why real-estate is so vital to the economy (jobs, mortgages, people double-dipping on their mortgages, middle men doing paperwork, appraisers, realtors, property taxes which typically goes to funding school systems, etc).

One major issue is that corporations take out large low-interest loans either directly or by borrowing against their market equity, i.e., their stock. They hold that cheap credit cash on their books, and some use tricky double-accounting methods to classify that debt as an asset, or they use that cheap credit for capital upgrades to facilities, buying assets such as real-estate or land (which can go underwater if real-estate prices goes down), CEO compensation packages, capital for mergers & acquisitions, etc. The stock market in part is doing so good, not entirely because of fundamentals such as steady quarterly earnings, but rather the stocks are bloats from abundant cheap credit made by the Fed and used by opportunistic corporations. It’s honestly a good thing we have somewhat low rates… 2%-3% as a benchmark rate because the market is uncertain regarding Trump’s trade tariff deadlines. The more uncertainty in the market, the more investors start digging into books to see if businesses are truly vital as they claim to be, not to mention, increased prices through supply-chains which can result in decreased earnings.

Some corporations are clever and efficient at playing this “live off your credit card” “faking it to you make it” game, but others are “zombie companies”, which are companies that should’ve failed, have been bought out or liquidated, but keep swiping their credit card to stay open. Corporations go even further by issuing their own bonds, i.e., corporate bonds, but by being so over-leveraged they ranks as junk bonds. I’m sure the stock market is “healthy” but a lot of it seems like credit based bloated stocks, mixed with the upward bidding wars of floor trading, and even algorithmic “nano-second” buying, selling, and shorting such as done by Jim Simmons with his theory of quantitative investing through his hedge-fund Renaissance Technologies.

I call the idea the Free Cash Theory. I see why not. It should only happen every couple of decades, if not at the beginning of each century, or at least when wealth disparity and ownership of the means of the production (Marxist accusations in 5…4…3…2..) gets out of control. If the Fed can afford 75 Billion for four days straight, or whatever the amount actually came out to, the fact that the Fed has been subsidizing Wall Street with cheap credit to bloat stock prices and drive speculation, simply means they can afford to help the people. With real balls or ovaries of steel from Congressional leadership and the White House, and act of humanity by the Fed, then we can truly help to wipe the slate clean for average Americans and move into the future. It’s not too late to save 3rd Way Democratic Capitalism, but the system needs to turned upside down to benefit an era of small-to-medium businesses, families, entrepreneurs, inventors, farmers, etc.


(The Chaos Magick War) Trump, Russia, Dugin, Ethno-nationalism, Brexit…. Is this Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein? Russo-Anglo-American Alliance. Where Occult, Technology, and Geopolitics meets by Quinton Mitchell.

Imagine mixing fascism, communism or socialism, libertarians, the military complex, corporatism, globalism, feminism, multiculturalism, trans-humanism and technocracy together and the RAND Corporation doing the interior decor for a new global order but in a very fashionable IKEA, Southern California Military Complex, Disney Epcot futurist way…. We oddly, get the world designed by Paul Verhoeven in Starship Troopers (1997).

Disclaimer: I’m proud to be an American but I also don’t hate Russia. I’m sure from a Russian military perspective that they’re simply in a struggle for self-preservation against Western NATO encroachment. However, I would like to see peace between the United States and Russia, however, I find the current ideology coming from the MAGA Administration and Putin’s push towards a hard Orthodoxy as unfortunate. There’s a way to cooperate, agree to disagree, negotiate, but we don’t need a resurgence of any type of hard nationalism, nor do we need an alliance if this notion of hard nationalism is on the table. In an alternative history, the US and Russia would’ve done things differently and Russia could’ve been included more in consensus-making and planning, but due to the lack of this happening, being both the fault of the Western establishment and also the die-hard holdovers from the USSR, this didn’t happen. I do think that peace is possible; however, from what I’m seeing underneath the ideology of Trump’s MAGA and that of Dugin’s effects on the Kremlin, whatever alliance that was planned doesn’t seem like something conducive to world peace, or at least a respect of a common humanity.

Section I:

Quotes from Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein (1959)

Just imagine, right… in this MAGA times we live. All the drama on TV, the news, Russia, talk show comedians, Mueller investigation, soft Brexit, hard Brexit, etc…. Hold Russia, Brexit and Trump in your brain for a while and now read these quotes from Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein.

“Major Reid, our instructor, was a blind man with a disconcerting habit of looking straight at you and calling you by name. We were reviewing events after the war between the Russo-Anglo-American Alliance and the Chinese Hegemony, 1987 and following. But this was the day that we heard the news of the destruction of San Francisco and the San Joaquin Valley; I thought he would give us a pep talk. After all, even a civilian ought to be able to figure it out now – the Bugs or us. Fight or die” (p.177) *** Side Note: Very interesting because in real-life this is the hub of Silicon Valley, which is effectively more or equally powerful than the Pentagon as far as data-collection. In essence, Silicon Valley is the DC of the West Coast, since DOD (Department of Defense) seed money helped subsidize many of the early companies. One such company, was the Trans-International Computer Investment Corporation, where a Mr. Otto Von Bolschwing was Vice President. Mr. Bolschwing as a former Nazi who later worked with the Central Intelligence Agency and Germany’s Gehlen Organization – a precursor to the modern German Federal Intelligence Service. Yet this side note is minor to the obvious statement regarding Russia, USA, and the UK ***

“Major Reid didn’t mention San Francisco. He had one of us apes summarize the negotiated Treaty of New Delhi, discuss how it ignored prisoners of war…and, by implication, dropped the subject forever; the armistice became a stalemate and prisoners stayed where they were – on one side; on the other side they were turned loose, and, during the Disorders, made their way home – or not if they didn’t want to.” (p. 177)

“Major Reid’s victim summed up the unreleased prisoners: survivors of the two divisions of British paratroopers, some thousands of civilians, captured mostly in Japan, the Philippines, and Russia and sentenced for “political” crimes.” (p. 177)

“Besides that, there were many other military prisoners,” Major Reid’s victim went on, “captured during and before the war – there were rumors that some had been captured in an earlier war and never released. The total of unreleased prisoners was never known. The best estimates place the number around sixty-five thousand” (p. 177)

“How did the present political organization evolve out of the Disorders? and what is its moral justification” (p. 179)

“However, nobody can describe accurately how the Federation came about; it just grew” (p. 179)

“With national government in collapse at the end of the XXth century, something had to fill the vacuum, and in many cases it was returned veterans. They had lost a war, most of them had no jobs, many were sore as could be over the terms of the Treaty of New Delhi, especially the P.O.W. foul-up – and they knew how to fight. But it wasn’t revolution; it was more like what happened in Russia in 1917 – the system collapsed; somebody else moved in” (p. 179)

“The first known case, in Aberdeen, Scotland, was typical. Some veterans got together as vigilantes to stop rioting and looting, hanged a few people (including two veterans) and decided not to let anyone but veterans on their committee. Just arbitrary at first – they trusted each other a bit, the didn’t trust anyone else. What started as an emergency measure became constitutional practice…in a generation or two” (p. 179)

“Probably those Scottish veterans, since they were finding it necessary to hang some veterans, decided that, if they had to do this, they weren’t going to let any “bleedin’, profiteering, black-market, double-time-for-overtime, army dodging, unprintable” civilians have any say about it. (p. 179-180)

“In many cases civilians are much more intelligent. That was the sliver of justification underlying the attempted coup d’etat just before the Treaty of New Delhi, the so-called ‘Revolt of the Scientists’: let the intelligent elite run things and you’ll have utopia. It fell flat on its foolish face of course. Because the pursuit of science, despite its social benefits, is itself not a social virtue; its practitioners can be men so self-centered as to be lacking in social-responsibility.” (p. 180)

Such as alliance with Russia, objectively speaking seems fine, but the real issue is the anti-humanist perception coming from Putin and Trump, but particularly Putin’s grip on power and the ideology that seems to have informed Putin coming from Aleksandr’s Dugin’s National Bolshevik Party. There’s also this underlying sense of Kremlin that they are the “Third Rome” – robbed from their proper place in history and thus willing to use force to firmly supplant themselves at the top of the world stage. There doesn’t seem to be enough personal rights or freedom of speech in Russia to justify a bond, yet, people to people, I have no issue with Russian people. From the surface it might sound fine, but in real life we have to understand that Russia is close with China, and also less known with Israel. So the reality actually seems something more akin to the speculation done by Orson Scott Card in Ender’s Shadow and Shadow of the Hegomon speaking to the theoretical Second Warsaw Pact and Sino-Russian Alliance — which, thus reflects the real-life Belt & Road Initiative, or, New Silk Road Project.

Interesting article about the US Soviet Exchange at the Esalen Institute:

The article by Sarah Laskow can be found at

*** Side Notes: The Revolt of the Scientists is supposed to be a jab at liberalism, or rather, liberalism in the leftist sense. The Scientists who are essentially the Technocratic elites and Ivy Tower Intelligentsia tried to create a type of Huxley (as in Aldous and Julian Huxley) Fabian Socialist society, but it failed and then the veterans swept in to create a civilian-or-citizen meritocracy. I’m not advocating this. Actually, on Instagram, as a veteran, I saw a post by other military men and they were supporting such as system. I commented to one guy – a young Hurrah trooper – and said, “Are you sure that be such a good idea?”. He commented that Sargon of Akkad had posted a video and he liked it. I watched the video and it was good at first in his analysis of Plato’s Republic, and how Constitution of liberal democracies have to protected by those willing to die for it, yet, at the end he took a far-right biased turn.

Like most Starship Trooper’s analysis, such as that of Sargon of Akaad or Roger Ager, it’s largely coming from right-wing-esque, “classical liberal”, white male perspective (which is not a crime, i.e., I’m not racist to anyone), but Sargon specifically argues it from a type of Darwinist support for classical liberalism. Or, it’s coming from a surface-level analysis of the film without really comparing it to what’s going on now, and if so, it’s largely a criticism of gender-equality, diversity or multiculturalism, etc. For example, the demographic shift of increased numbers of Hispanics in the United States, largely due to free-trade and globalism, which is fine, I can admit is oddly represented in a passive way in the film-adaptation by Paul Verhoeven . Also, the film touches upon odd “trans-human” elements such as remote-viewing through the character of Carl Jenkins (portrayed by the actor, Neil Patrick Harris), which was actually studied in real life, and – yes, it is kooky, by the Department of Defense in the USA, the Soviet Union, and at Princeton University’s PEAR Lab (Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab) which received funding from Laurence Rockefeller. I personally believe that Paul Verhoeven (director) and Edward Neumeier (screenplay writer) were showing examples of the kooky real-life esoteric studies done in the World War 2 such as that of Nazi SS, Thule Society, and Ahnenerbe, but later in the Cold War by the Soviet Union and USA. Yet, the main theme that most pick up from the film is the false-flag attack on Buenos Aires (real-life home to Juan Peron – a noted Nazi collaborator). The film opens with a shot of a “lunar missile system” that destroys asteroids supposedly sent by Earth’s enemies, The Arachnids. Yet, Buenos Aires is possibly attacked by that same system to justify war. In real-life, how many US wars started from supposed attacks on ships or whatever? The majority.

In the analysis by Rob Ager of Collative Learning, and the separate one done by Sargon of Akaad, but more so Sargon, since Ager seems objective in his film analysis, there is a type of Jordan B. Peterson plea for classical liberalism and hierarchies. A very amoral survival-of-the-fit through unfettered capitalism viewpoint, but dolled up with imagery of Classical Greek nude statues insinuating a perfection of within the Western logos. A very “Proud Boy”, The West is the Best mentality. As a kid, growing up a military-brat, when I saw the film in 1997, I was blown away. A total power-fantasy of warfare, teamwork, race wasn’t an issue, even the women were badass, and we all united under a common enemy. Yet, I didn’t see the brilliance of Paul Verhoeven satire as kid.

Verhoeven’s film was a satirical criticism on militarism. He also takes a nod to the Americanization of the Latin America, by having “whitewashed” actors play the roles of the Hispanic-named main leads (yes, I know there are white Hispanics), but by choosing Beverly Hills 90210 type actors, it helped to show the beauty and physical standards promulgated by US media. However, Vehoeven’s depiction of a globalist-fascist world, with basis in Latin America, actually represents the real-life right-wing regimes of Latin America of the Cold War which were supported by the CIA, Washington, and Neoconservatives (such as Milton Friedman’s Chicago Boys creating the economy for Augusto Pinochet).

The Latin American Euro-centric fascism shown in Verhoeven’s film pays homage to real-life fascism of the Cold War era in nations such as Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, and Brazil. These places were known havens for Nazi war-criminals via Ratlines (escape routes) in real-life operations such as Operation Odessa. Nazi war criminals were able to hide among the German and Italian populations of Latin America whom had immigrated to the continent in the 1800s. The process of admitting Nazi War-Criminals was accepted by the Cold-War Right-Wing CIA-backed dictators such as Augusto Pinochet of Chile, Juan Peron on Argentina, Emilio Garrastazu Medici of Italian descent and Augusto Rademaker of German descent in Brazil, and Alredo Stroessner of German descent of Paraguay. Criminals such as Adolf Eichmann, Josef Mengle, and Croatian Nazi Ante Pavelic were all in Latin America.

If you add Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil with his right-wing politics to that of this MAGA, Brexit, Dugin Putin Russia idea, then it does seem to loosely relate to the Heinlein’s book and Verhoeven’s film.

To shed historical light on Latin America during the Cold War, according to Schemo (2006), “… General Stroessner won American help in establishing his secret police and hopes that his dictatorship would give way to democracy faded before a string of elections in which he faced token or no opposition and that were generally considered to be fraudulent.” (para. #). Further, Schemo (2006) stated, “Under General Stroessner, Paraguay’s security forces became so efficient at intimidating potential opposition figures that eventually fear itself — fear of arrest, torture, exile and murder — became one of his prime levers for staying in power. The country became a haven for Nazis on the run, with new passports and visas sold for a price. Among those it sheltered was Josef Mengele, the “Angel of Death” who selected victims for the gas chambers at Auschwitz and conducted medical experiments on humans.” 

Lastly, Schemo (2006) stated, “But General Stroessner surprised the political pundits and held on through seven successive elections marked by rigged voting. In time he became the prototype for a new crop of South American dictators friendly to American interests. Backed by the United States, military rulers later seized power in Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and Bolivia. Security forces in these countries worked closely together, formalizing their cooperation in a joint intelligence plan called Operation Condor.”.   

*** This part is really me summarizing some notes I had that I wish to put in one central spot *** The actual Johnny Rico in the novel by Heinlein is actually Filipino, which in real-life was actually an American territory and housed the real-life Luzon Air Force Base. It’s a loose connection, but in the section below, George Hodel (the suspected Black Dahlia Murderer) who was into the Southern California Occult and Art scene, married a Filipino woman (oddly similar to the Las Vegas Shooter – who had a pilot’s license, arsenal of guns, and wired money to the Philippines – human trafficking?) but also supposedly worked for the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration in China after WW2. If true, this links loosely to the fact that the CIA was actually in China during the later days to the end of WW2 in China, during the confusing times of the Flying Tigers, Mao Zedung, Shang Kai-Shek, and the formation of Taiwan by the nationalist who opposed the US-backed Communist. Yes, evidence is showing that the CIA backed Mao Zedung. Why? It is possibly because of the heroin trade networks leading from central Asia. The British had previously had a monopoly on the Chinese Opium Trade (Boxer Rebellion, Opium Wars), but early American merchants did as well. The Americans would later inherit the Opium Trade Networks from the British in Central Asia and in Southeast Asia (Indochina) from the French during the Vietnam War.

The British Empire had set up in what is now Hong Kong but also owned British India. British India (modern day India and Pakistan) was not far from Afghanistan. “In 1883, William Watts McNair, a British surveyor on leave, explored the area disguised as a hakim. He reported on the journey later that year to the Royal Geographic Society “. The area of Kafiristan and Nuristan was creepily called the “Land of Light” or “Land of Illumination” and what is this area known for? Opium. The British Empire had a strong Masonic network. Masonry offered a type of fraternal organization which linked businessmen, military officers, settlers, etc. Such as a network from an Occult perspective were essential and relates back to the Elizabethan-era magus, John Dee, whom was a practitioner of alchemy (common at the time), adviser to Queen Elizabeth, and coined the term “British Empire”. Wherever Masonry was in the nineteenth-century there was also the notion of Manifest Destiny and colonialism typically pushed on a type of racial supremacy and entitlement, which as can see in the United States on its westward march to the Pacific Ocean, but also in the English-proper Commonwealth of South Africa, as typified by Cecil Rhodes (a Freemason) of DeBeer Diamonds with financial backing from the London branch of the Rothschild Banking Dynasty and South Africa (where Rhodesia and Rhodes Scholarship gets their namesake), but also within Rupyard Kipling’s magical stories based in India. Kipling himself was also a Mason and India would serve as a base for the vast opium fields of Afghanistan.

Two of the Americans families involved in Chinese trade, during the era after the Revolutionary War, often called the Era of Good Feelings, during and slightly after the War of 1812, were the Russell family and Forbes family of the Old China Trade Networks, based in China but managed, or, incorporated in Massachusetts with links to the Port of Salem. John Forbes Kerry, yes, the former Secretary of State, is from this family, a descendant of John Murray Forbes ( February 23, 1813 – October 12, 1898). It’s well-known already that Samuel Russell, the founder of Chinese trade company, Russell & Co., was the cousin to William Huntingdon Russell, the founder of Skull and Bones at Yale. Far later, around the time of WW2, John Birch, a missionary recruited by Lt. General Jimmy Doolite, because of his ability to speak Mandarin Chinese, would become a symbol of America’s supposed radical anti-Communism of the Cold War. John Birch was later killed by Communist forces at a check point for refusing to turn over his firearm, and the neoconservative movement (which actually has Communist origins itself) created the John Birch Society, yet there is proof that Mao Zedung was actually linked to Yale’s Chinese missions. Later on The Rockefeller expressed a liking of Mao’s China.

Section II(A)

Where Technology, Trans-humanism, Occult, Corporations, Military, Hollywood, Liberalism and Conservatism Meet…

This section in is in part inspired by what I call the Dyer Thesis, of Jay Dyer of Jay’s Analysis. I’m not a subscriber to his site but I do enjoy his videos but I don’t personally care for the right-wing Alex Jones vibe I get. I’m simply there for the information. Yet, as far as summarizing books, I do respect him in this right and he does seem to have a level of humanism in mind when he’s reading books relating to the control aspects of Globalism and Corporatism.

If I had to explain the Dyer Thesis, he’s explaining the Occult based ideology underneath both the general idea of Democracy as seen through the Masonic “Illuminus Revolutions” (the rise of banking houses after usury laws were abolished, the rise of merchant classes over the aristocracy, The French Revolution and The American Revolution), and how Occult esoteric thought under the Enlightenment went to inspire concepts such as a Darwinism and Newtonian Atomism, which once put together turns everything into “malleable soulless base material” which can be evolved through an alchemical process, most notably our version of “magic”, which is the Scientific Method. Darwinism and Atomism essentially reduced the human aspect of a spirit or soul and turned everything in materialism and this led to the atheistic nihilistic movements under Totalitarian Communism, Fascism, and the Liberal Capitalist Democracy. The thesis even goes further by explaining that this Occult, Darwinian, Newton Atomist view to reality is essentially the basis of The Complexes we see. Such as the relationship between corporations, military, science without a sense of humanity, RAND Corporation quantification, seeing people as “bots” in cubes, game theory, but also our notions of Trans-humanism. Trans-humanism is both technological in nature but also Occultic in nature since it’s about merging things and transcending to a type of new age.

Yet, Jay Dyer’s main focus, which is good I mind you, is mainly on the West and the USA but history proves that also Russian ideology was involved in these “evolutionary” “alchemy” “transcendence” movements. Particularly, the Russian Cosmism movement. I find it suspicious that for such a smart, well-read person that he never touches the “Russia card” with equal impartial analysis, and I suspect it is largely because he converted to Orthodoxy so his bias is naturally more anti-Western Russian, and with him being admittedly associated with Rand Paul and being a follower of Alex Jones, he is naturally suspicious of the left. It’s hard to believe someone entirely when they push this “it’s all rigged” idea, notably by summarizing books such as Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quigley, but now all of sudden start choosing sides, particularly a side that for an American…isn’t American, and is of a regime that has shown aggression (even if in some cases there is some basis out of self-defense). *** Note: I have no ill-will towards the Russian people. This isn’t about people on the streets or everyday people/families, but people in power, and we have to be equal in our assessments of power no matter where it comes from ***

Terms and Keywords: The Occult, Esoteric, Gnosticism, Hermeticism, Neoplatonism, Rosicrucian, Theosophy, Kabbalah… Psychological Warfare, Lifestyle cults… Kabbalah, Zionism, Israel, The Fourth Temple Movement, Chabad. Alchemy, Darwinist Evolution, Materialism, Masonic Libertarian and Marxism of French Revolution Girondins and Jacobins; the Masonic Schism between the United Lodge of England with the York and Scottish Rites (more Girondin; merchant oriented) versus the Grand Orient Lodge de France (more Jacobin; Marxist oriented). Democratic Revolutions funded by Internationalist Banking Houses.

Heinlein was associated with Occultism by way of Jack Parson’s, the legendary Occult Rocketry Pioneer who was canonized by NASA, who also had connections to Aleister Crowley. There seems to have been a large active Occult movement leading from Santa Monica (home to RAND Corpration) to the Tuscan-like mountains surrounding the LA City basin. A mixture of artists such as Man Ray, Occultists, Satanists, scientists, military personnel, actors, and, even magicians such as Harry Houdini.

Parson’s himself has contact with Werner von Braun, but also, the lesser known Russian Cosmist, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky.

So as we can see, there is a intellectual connection between West and East regarding technology but also through esoteric elements. Considering that Chaos Magick or Sex Magick were in part built from esoteric Jewish thought such as Kabbalah, which arose in the Renaissance alongside Christian and Islamic occultism or Neoplatonic ideas, we can objectively stand back and see the Russian-Jewish community, American, but also Israeli links. There’s obvious yet ambiguous connections between what we see as the Cultural-Left & Right; the Neoconservative Military Machine; Occultism, Technology, and Futurism/Transhumanism.

The agenda seems to be the goal of bringing upon self-directed evolution by using notions such as alchemy as an analogy but in certain circles this is literal, to bring upon alchemical change, or evolution, by creating chaos between dialectics (an explosion), only to merge those dialectics, weed out the weak, and the rebuild a new order and new paradigm. So science, trans-humanism, and automation as an analogy are borderline modern manifestations of “magic”. There’s the possibility that there’s people in these fields who do have actual Occultist esoteric viewpoints, sometimes equated to Satanic since that view is libertarian in nature, where science or social-change are effectively “ritual” and elites, as apex predators within human nature, are entitled to advance the species. Also, from a communication pragmatic perspective, Occultism, Theosophy & Esoteric thought, is essentially a part of the basis for psychological warfare since there is a concept of the illusory, hypnotic, trace-like rites-of-passage, but in a hard propaganda psy-op campaign, contingencies span the spectrum of (1) controlling and managing conspiracy-theory culture to lead people down specific paths of thought (2) disinformation (3) deconstruction of linear reality, such as alternative history, for example think “racial superiority origin stories”, or even Ancient Alien theories [Interesting Fact: Jonathan Young of History Channel’s, Ancient Aliens series, is an alumni of the Defense Information School at Fort Meade, MD, but also the curator of the Joseph Campbell Archives, where Joseph Campbell was associated with the Esalen Institute – later site for the US Soviet Exchange Program], but also (4) memes, even though most are harmless – yet, they serve the purpose of visual communication and reinforcement of ideas.

An interesting fact is that the concept of the meme, which can be used in psychological warfare, was first coined by Darwin evolution proponent, Richard Dawkins, but the basis of these ideas were created in the times of Charles Darwin and T.H. Huxley (grandfather of Julian Huxley, the early proponent of Trans-humanism, and Aldous Huxley, the author Brave New World). Since Darwin’s theory of evolution is based in a chemical mutation and adaptation viewpoint, and memes are in essence linguistic or communication manifestations or catalysts of the process of evolution, then it can be said that performing “alchemy” on the body and through linguistics/psychology, one can actually self-direct evolve a given species. A catalyst for starting the chemical process of evolution within the linguistic sphere can be done with alchemy-like ideas such as postmodernism. Postmodernism as far as communication and linguistics goes, deals with ideas of “simulation and simulacrum”, or the inability of distinguish between original and what is replicated, but also the recycling of ideas and promulgation of ideas often through mediums such as Mass Communication. Further, postmodernism it related to the process of Deconstruction, which breaks down objects – including history, thus a meme as far as its effects within the evolutionary process can be used to break-down notions to reinsert new ones and then replicated and recycle those notions through mass dissemination. Memes effectively “chemical breakdown” preconceive notions, in order to reinsert new ones, and thus prep the mind for an actual physical transition. The art of memetics can be viewed in a practical-pragmatic sense but also from an Occult “wizardry” alchemy viewpoint.

Section II (B)

Robert Heinlein was an interesting guy and I’m not so sure if it were in a good way.

Treat the following as notes, tropes, bullet-points, and then think about it…. It’s really me working out pathways in my mind and if you read it, I think it will reveal a level of interconnection that most wouldn’t even think about.

Robert Heinlein – Universal Basic Income, i.e., Social Credit, Upton Sinclair Socialism + Right Wing Libertarian ; Jack Parson; L. Ron Hubbard; La Manana Literary Society; Isaac Asimov; Arthur C. Clarke; Libertarians, Marxists, Dialectics; The Occult – Aleister Crowley & Thelema [a heroin addict, and known child-abuser]; George Hodel (suspected Black Dahlia Murderer; medical skills; well-connected; known for sex parties, and was accused in a public trial of using his daughter at such parties but later acquitted. ; friend to absurdist artist Man Ray who had the art piece “The Minotaur” which mimicked the Black Dahlia Murder; George Hodel associated with actors such as John Huston, who oddly played an incestuous millionaire in Roman Polanski’s Chinatown, and Huston’s real-life daughter, Anjelica Huston, was interviewed by police during Roman Polanski’s statutory rape case, before he fled to France. Polanski’s wife was the famous Sharon Tate, who was killed by Mason Family, in a murder equally as infamous in the public’s mind to that of the Black Dahlia Murder — both done on the grounds of a type of “ritual” ); Hollywood; Jet Propulsion Laboratory of Parsons – NASA, US Department of Defense; RAND Corporation; Hans Speier of RANDS’s Social Science Division; Albert Wohlstetter of RAND Corporation (proponent of Systems Theory & Game Theory) – associated with City College of New York where he was a part of a splinter group of Trotsky splinter group called the League for a Revolutionary Splinter Party – linked to CCNY, Columbia, and University of Chicago.

University of Chicago received early funding from the Rockefeller Family; Neo-conservatism is a synthesis of Trotsky & Internationalism mixed with Right-Wing Conservatism of force and will. This synthesis of Trotsky Marxism with Conservatism as seen through Corporations leads to an Empirical quantitative elite bourgeoisie class; University of Chicago was associated with the Neoconservative Movement relating to people such as Milton Friedman, Leo Strauss; Henry Kissinger, Barry Goldwater, and Roy Cohn (all Jewish conservatives who aligned with traditional Republicanism in order to stitch Zionism as a fundamental part of US foreign policy). Roy Cohn was Donald Trump’s personal lawyer and enforcer who got his start in the McCarthy Era which also dealt the Red Scare – Communist witch hunts – in Hollywood which is where a young Ronald Reagan got his start; Eisenhower-Nixon-Reagan all associated with Bohemian Grove near San Francisco.

San Francisco the home of San Quentin Federal Prison (connections of the rise of the Aryan Brotherhood), the Black Panthers (eventually infiltrated by the government), LSD usage (Multi-disciplinary Association of Psychedelic Drugs, or, MAPS, received funding from the Rockefeller Foundation), early Silicon Valley (Laurence Rockefeller of Venrock Capital gave early angel-investing to Intel and Apple), Philip K. Dick’s fiction, Esalen Institute (later site of the US Soviet Exchange Programs), Stanford Prison Experiments, and the Palo Alto School or “Invisible College” knowing for communication-linguistics studies and psychoanalysis associated with the Mental Research Institute; Santa Monica, CA; Laurel Canyon, CA; Lookout Mountain Air Force Station & early 60s Counter-Culture Bands; Jim Morrison’s dad, George Morrison, was the Admiral during the Gulf of Tonkin incident which led the US into Vietnam War; Vietnam War, Secret War in Cambodia & Laos, French Connection Heroin and later CIA entrance into the Heroin Game with US Army Special Forces associated with General John K. Singlaub; Singlaub’s association with the John Birch Society and the right-wing intelligence network, Western Goals Foundation which was implicated during the Iran-Contra Scandal.

Section III: Personal Observations. It’s rigged. The Far-Left and Far-Right are both Dialectics. However, I stand with liberalism because I care about humanism (pro-feminism, pro-diversity, pro-LGBTQ, pro-free speech, pro-peace).

There’s really two underlying thesis to my thoughts on where the world is going, or how it looked like it was going. One deals with a revelation I’ve been having regarding the odd connections between technocracy, the Occult, and Darwinism, but the other relates to something slightly less theoretical but more palpable. The the other being Trump MAGA, Brexit, and Putin’s Russia. However, as time goes on, and with more clarity, I will argue my case about how these two thoughts are actually mutually exclusive, one in the same.

Trump’s affinity with Russia and his business dealings with Russian nationals or nations of ex-Soviet nations particularly those linked to his real-estate interests aboard and those domestic such as Trump SoHo; Vladimir Putin’s remodeling of Russia from a Communist State after the Boris Yeltsin years into an oligarch-driven quasi-fascist state that still retains elements of the collective Communist era but painted over with a marketing scheme of Traditionalism and Orthodoxy (wife-beatings included); Russia’s lebensraum-type geopolitical strategy under Aleksandr Dugin’s Occult-inspired Eurasianism ideology (ominously predicted by Orson Scott Card’s Second Warsaw Pact in Ender’s Shadow); the troubles of the European Union which has been defined by a war-created refugee crisis but strongly the Brexit movement of Great Britain. Trump, Putin, parts of the Brexit movements, and even the rise of Jair Bolsonaro, which are nationalistic. Opportunistic nationalist ideologies, which could very well simply be dialectics prepping for a future explosion. Sure, I have a sliver of nationalism within in me, but I don’t take it as far as exclusion of newcomers, nor do I see race as explicitly linked to culture since one is a biological adaption whereas the other is mental construct of deified behaviors and customs, and I do feel that “hard nationalism and traditionalism”, is really what go us in this situation to begin with. I’m a firm believer the culture does evolve. For example, I can speak of what we consider English-ness, but this concept is actually a modern notion, reinforced with a type of Francis Fukuyama End of History viewpoint where culture as we see it is effectively a museum piece that is spared adaption or evolution, and making for nice tourism videos in our post-capitalist times, but this modern view of what we consider British culture is much different than what existed in the British Isles some two-thousand years ago.

Liberalism has become synonymous with Globalism in right-wing circles, so National Conservatism is their antithesis, but ironically the far-right is often a proponent of classical liberalism, which is obviously, liberal, but simply on the right-liberal perspective. All three players from Trump, Brexit, and Putin are using this to their advantage. Putin has become a symbol for the “underground far-right”, but what they fail to realize is that these people at this higher-level are in cahoots with the people they claim they’re against. It’s a confusing game to follow.

Disclaimer: I am not antisemitic, but if something is going on, we have a right to speak up. I believe Israel has the right to exist and is the homeland of the Jews (same as the Palestinians and Christian communities), but it becomes an uncomfortable conversation when we start seeing proof of Jewish supremacy, or, a type of entitlement to rule over others since they believe they are the Chosen people of God. The following words in this post is not to promote antisemitism, or to say that Jewish Zionism is the only culprit, but analysis or criticism is not antisemitism, though it often argued that way to not get people looking too deep or connecting any dots.

I don’t think the world works as simply as an us versus them, but rather I see the reactionary nature of nationalism as being a “pawn” in a larger conflict. This is arguably similar to how the German people fell for National Socialism, despite an early Hitler getting funding from sources which would later destroy Germany and carve it up between West and East. It didn’t come to save you, it came here to be a dialectical component or chemical-agent to do damage even to those who side with hard ethnic based nationalism. Nationalism in itself isn’t bad but it becomes bad when it is taken to its extreme, typically by positing a sense of racial “Blood and Soil” ideologies. From an American standpoint, nationalism is more of an idea that people of various backgrounds can adopt and assimilate into. I say this because while everyday people are enslaved to dialectical positions, doesn’t mean the people in power are. They support right-wing movements from one angle, while supporting left wing in another, or creating the right combination of either when they see fit. The benefit of doing this is that it keeps the people focusing on each other, while they continue to oversee and run a type of top-down elitist centrist mentality. Dialectics is important because by pitting to two sides against each other, the circle of the “Ying Yang” still creeps forward, thus those in power still gain yardage. Do we really think that Putin isn’t doing business with Swiss Banks same as US or UK industrialists? How the world actually runs and how we wish to see it are two different things.

When nationalism arises it is always the refugee, migrant, person of color, or anything seen as “liberal” which gets the blame. When Trump first got elected and even from his comments regarding Russia before he won, it was easy to see an actual conspiracy manifesting itself. It was so in your face, but you were groomed to not see it because of the level of postmodern irony that exists within the larger public sphere, but also the sheer levels of bipolar rhetoric. Everyone on the left wanted it to be true, whereas everyone on the right didn’t want to be true. It is hard to discern the truth in such bipolar situations, yet, facts are facts.

It is fact that Exxon Mobil (one of the successor companies of Standard Oil founded by the Rockefeller Oil Dynasty) with Rexx Tillerson had deep ties to Russia’s oil and natural gas sector with the Putin Regime, going as far as having joint-ventures such as with Russian enterprises such as Rosneft. It is fact that Steve Bannon, despite coming off as Reagan Cold War Era war-hawk Republican, was actively interfering in European politics of the far-right, going so far as trying to establish a type of Julius Evola-like school in a monastery outside of Rome. This far-right movement is geo-politically strategic for Russia considering it helps chip away at alliances such as NATO, opens the door for more European reliance on Russian natural gas, helps them sell their own weapon systems, and it helps spread Russia’s lost influence. I repeat, I don’t hate Russia as far as the idea, its people, its history, culture, etc.

Even, elements of the “echo-chamber” YouTube podcaster universe and MAGA “street teams” are highly involved in this. Lauren Southern, went to Russia to interview Aleksandr Dugin, and later took “cute” selfies with her far-right friend adoring Soviet-Era Ushanka Cossask hats. Lauren is of, or was formerly associated with Rebel Media, which is ironically a Jewish-Canadian ran outlet by a committed Zionist. Rebel Media is owned by Ezra Levant, a Jewish man, who oddly helped pull the far-right activists together at the Chancellorsville Riots.

The theme we start seeing in Russia and MAGA America is high occurrence of Zionists behind the scenes, largely from the Chabad Lubavitch community. I’m sure it’s very well the case in the UK too. From Rebel Media we also get Gavin McInnes, formerly of left-leaning Vice Media Group before it was bought out by Disney, and Mr. McInnes was noted for being influential on the Hipster movement (which does hide a sense of misogyny and has an anachronistic fetishism for less enlightened times), was later picked up by Rebel Media. Even, Alex Jones, who has ties to Joe Rogan with his libertarian-viewpoint and love for trans-humanism, is a noted Zionist, who has had Jim Corsi and Roger Stone on his InfoWars radio-show. He’s also beefed up Trump as a type of Messiah type figure. As funny as it sounds, the Alt-Right, was in part created by Right-Wing Jews in North America who have cultural and ethnic ties to Russia, which is a nation that saw the Alt-Right as a plug into the United States to help support Donald Trump at the polls.

The easiest way to understand the Zionist Jewish influence is to look back to the idea of a Christian Crusader. There’s this image of a blonde haired blue-eyed Teutonic Knight defending the Holy Land. In modern equivalency terms this iconography it is very heavy metal. This is actually a tool beneficial to Zionist because the Crusader mentality does the defending of the Jewish homeland. This explains anomalies within the American and Western mindset relating to conservatism and the historic antisemitism associated with it. Christian, white male, antisemitic, Crusader Knights fighting for the Holy Land, but it actually just ends up supporting radical Zionists, who don’t actually recognize or believe in Jesus Christ. So it’s an odd relationship of two sides that need each other but don’t believe what each other believes. Evangelical Christianity was created in part to link Israel’s destiny to Christianity, so this explains the anomaly of racist conservatives supporting Israel despite the historical precedent of antisemitism in Anglo-Saxon and Germanic thought, best described in events such as the Rhineland Massacres during the First Crusade. They know this base is easily manipulated, particularly by playing with latent racial fear or “replacement” myths.

Lauren Southern going to South Africa to speak on White Farm Murders isn’t her just going there to expose something which hasn’t already been exposed, but it’s propaganda to push a sense of “anti-white paranoia”, which thus feeds back to this MAGA, Zionist, Russian, Brexit strategy of destroying European economic cooperation, NATO, etc. Not once did she try to be objective. It’s not like she showed any of the White, Black, Coloured, Indian, or Chinese South Africans getting along or shopping or drinking beer at bars to rugby or cricket. Her goal was to go there to find one issue without providing any context and to twist that issue into something for a larger, more sinister, propaganda campaign. It’s one thing to show an angry political rally of black Africans, but it is another to not show the historical context which permitted such behavior, largely the brutality of the Apartheid regime and the exploitation of South African gold and diamonds. If you go looking for one thing, one thing is all you will find.

Even, more rational speakers that renounce racism and homophobia such as YouTuber, Styxhexenhammer666, and I enjoy his commentary, but in part, at least as far as perception goes, channels this Occult, “Do What They Whilst” dark-libertarian classical-liberal right-wing dialectic and is full of Trump apologetics – rarely even entertaining that the Trump Administration’s had ties to Russia.

Jay Dyer, whom I have respect for, since he is a well-read intellectual approaching theory from an academic stance regarding analysis, despite my many disagreements with him, is a convert to Orthodoxy who in Alex Jones fashion weaves this perception that all of conspiracies happening are largely because of liberals, in the leftist Marxist sense, though he does balance this by explaining that libertarians are liberals too, but in a classical sense. Mr. Dyer has a strong argument for his beliefs, but he never seems to publicly analyze this own beliefs, or show his real intent. He gives a strong explanation of dialectics and has a strong understand of theology. However, Jay do me is also an apologist for Russia, largely since the verbosity of this works are centered around one element of the “New World Order”, which is the Anglo-American Alliance and Western Catholic Europe. He rarely shows suspicion towards Russia and I suspect this is because he is an…Alex Jones, post-Republican, white male, who feels betrayed by the West, so he’s looking for a spiritual alternative.

There’s no crime in appearing in a Russian Cossack hat (they’re pretty cool), or being into the Occult (if that’s your thing), nor is there any issue with wanting peace with Russia (I’m sure Moscow and other cities are beautiful), but there is a problem with not fairly assessing the situation while also turning any attempt to look deeper or hold Russia equally accountable. Instead any thought deeper into the obvious facts and plausible conspiracy is turned into a type of “Muh, Russia” meme for the infosphere.

The truth is that, Dugin’s Chaos Magick strategy did infiltrate the West and USA, and though it is racist and supremacist, underneath the surface it’s only a mere dialectic in a larger global chess-match. It is merely a piece in a much larger global paradigm shift which can be seen by viewing the historical intersections between technology, occult, hegemony, etc., particularly to the behind-the-scene links between the USA, Israel, Russia, and the UK.


Heinlein, R. (1987). Starship troopers. New York: Ace Books.

Schemo, D. J. (2006, August 16). Stroessner, Paraguay’s Enduring Dictator, Dies. Retrieved July 24, 2019, from