Does “Black Philosophy” Actually Exist? On the Establishment of a Southern School of Philosophy by Quinton Mitchell

Being a Black American, I noticed that a lot of the more vocal, fiery, and/or analytical voices within Black Liberation politics often attempt to be at odds with “Western philosophy”, yet, they are indelibly… Western through and through.

Most Black Liberation Politics centers around Continental Leftist and or liberal (in the classical sense onwards) types of ideology centering around concepts such as deconstruction, post-structuralism, Critical Theory, existentialism to many extents, anti-colonialism, post-colonialism, and some degree postmodernism (e.g., hip hop as a late stage capitalist form of music that blurs high art with low art, pastiche, hyper capitalism, the subjectivity of morality, pop culture, etc.).

But, for those within Black Liberation politics, stretching from the Ivory Tower college seminars with the stereotypical dred-locked wise sage professor, to YouTube video essayists with their evermore ridiculous thumbnails to attract eyeballs (yes, I am talking about “Foreign Man in a Foreign Land”, etc.), and all the way to fringe cults pushing antediluvian Black Supremacist origin stories (even throw in a few UFOs or mad scientists, e.g., The Nation of Islam, Nuwabians, Hoteps, etc.), what I notice is…. there is no real black philosophy.

Rather, we what we have is blackness expressed through Western philosophy.

What I’m saying is….is that most of the Black Nationalist or liberation types who are quick to call another person’s “blackness” into question, even going so far as using white supremacist Antebellum slavery monikers towards each other, i.e., house slave, house negro, coon, Uncle Tom, the N-word, etc., but these Black Nationalist and liberation types are….living in the “House”, i.e., the house is the Western civilization including its philosophy.

So, to appear to be at odds with the West, when in essence we are products of the West, including using its language, didactic, etc., is ironic. In other words, don’t pretend that you’re higher or holier or more “organic” simply because you push pro-blackness when we are all living collectively under the roof of the house. The only way to truly alleviate this dilemma is to…leave the West.

Full unplug form the West or rather attempt at establishing a coherent “Black Philosophy” or “Southern Philosophy” that with academic rigor pools various indigenous African philosophies under one umbrella. No conspiracy theory, no anti-white girl paranoid black female nonsense, no toxic masculinity, but literal hitting the books and creating a framework that spans ethics, logic, etc.

I say Southern philosophy because we obviously know that Eastern typically represents Asian and/or Indian Subcontinent frameworks spanning Hinduism, Daoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, etc., whereas Western philosophy touches upon everything from the Sages, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Hegel, Continentals vs Analytics, etc. In other words, we live under a global “Eurasianist” viewpoint, which isn’t bad necessarily, but the problem is that it excludes the philosophical frameworks of other parts of planet, so we can’t have a truly united human specifies until we include other frameworks or test them at least.

My call, yes, Quinton Mitchell is saying, that there should be a Southern Philosophy that emphasis the major categories of philosophy such as Ethics, Metaphysics, Epistemology, Logic, and Aesthetics. This could be done my using game theory, Artificial Intelligence, computer regressions, etc.

The problem with black conservatism, black leftists, black wokies, etc. I want the best for black people by Quinton Mitchell

The issue with black conservatives such as Candance Owens, Larry Elders, Thomas Sowell, the BLEXIT movement, etc., is that it’s not really….”black” and I don’t mean black in a stereotypical aesthetic standpoint (e.g., A.A.V.E , African American Vernacular English– i.e., blaccent, Ebonics, etc., fashion, lingo, rhythmic music, soul, gospel, hair culture, etc.), but rather black conservatism is ironically…anti-black, i.e., it sees black people as inherently defective, problematic, embarrassing, inferior, etc.

For example, BLEXIT rarely if ever has an uplifting message as an outreach tactic to attract black recruits to their capitalist, meritocratic (in theory), socially conservative mindset. For example, you never see “Today in Black History this accomplishment happened” as a means of showing often urbanized or posing urbanized black people, alternatives to the black culture they were told is the only avenue for them.

Black conservatism often seeks to fit into white supremacy to prove that black people belong, thus by doing so black conservatives often swing down on their own people as a means of differentiating themselves from the stereotypes that white supremacy ironically helped create, though contemporary black people have largely adopted this black creation for themselves and co-opted it and steered it in their own direction (basically just being the ironic opposite of whiteness…”improper English”, sagging, calling ourselves Niggas, etc.).

With black conservatives there is often no love, protection, defense, etc., of black people but rather they join forces with white supremacy (and, yes, white Jewish conservatives such as Ben Shapiro) to bully, shame, etc., other black people.

There is no real non-nationalistic black-centric platform that attempts to solve black issues as felt through the black experience.

Rather, all black conservatives can offer is 1) work hard and 2) have fathers.

It fails to even acknowledge the racism that even black conservatives may suffer in majority non-black spaces (e.g., elite prep schools, colleges, etc.). Black conservatism for example seems incapable of even acknowledging that racism exist notably within structures such as American policing. For example, would it have been so much to ask if BLEXIT at least posted a photo of Elijah McClain, Treyvon Martin, Breanna Taylor, etc.? Nope. Rather, BLEXIT and black conservatives joined forces with the forces of skepticism against black suffering, bullying, harassment, etc.

The goal of figures such as “Officer Tatum”, Candace Owens, etc., was to convince conservative white people that they are right in overlooking, disregarding, making fun of, etc., black feelings and experiences. I am not labelling all black conservatives or black people who fall within the capitalist middle class as engaging in this, but rather certain pundits who are platformed engage in this belittlement, and thus therefore are exacerbating the internal divisions with the black community, notably via the antiquated trope of “house slave vs field slaves”.

Yet, the irony, even if we are to view what I am saying on an even higher level, is that black conservatives are meant to keep the internal division going, by drawing a hard line in the sand between over simplistic binaries. In other words, the black conservative serves as full assimilation within white supremacy without any attempt at having black agency or black value within it, as means of perpetuating and maintaining stereotypical divisions between white and black people. Better put, black conservatives are…black people wanting to be “white”, thus they help create a harsh “either/or”, “you are with us or against us” standpoint. By acting “white” I don’t mean how you sound, dress, or like, but rather acting white in the sense of being against anything that isn’t white. You can still be a suburban black person for example and still feel connection to your roots unlike what many, sadly, other black people think.

I actually defend socialist and even some communists, though I never want to live under Communism.

But the truth is that Communist are annoying.

As an analysis method there is merit in analyzing the world via a non “idealist” and non “metaphysical” way as a means of understanding natural contradictions within nature, notably class hierarchies. There is merit in egalitarianism because to be human means to be a balance between individual and within cooperation with others. Communists reject metaphysics but the truth is we don’t entirely understand the nature of actual physics, so how can we say with certainty that even communism is factual, if the underlying nature in which reason is built from, isn’t entirely understandable to us?

(Note: my theory that shows itself in many of my writings, is that black diaspora culture is essentially a form of “internalized” white supremacy, despite black people coopting that trauma and stylizing it for themselves (prevalence of the N-word, black on black violence, attempting to be the complete opposite to whiteness just for the sake of it, etc.), since it was created or gestated within the materialist conditions of white supremacy, so no matter how militant or “black” a person seems, they are effectively stuck in a manufactured dialectic with the colonial construct of “whiteness”, and the only way to alleviate oneself from that dialectic is to fully “de-program” from Western Civilization, i.e., its ethics, metaphysics, knowledge, aesthetics, etc. Or, instead of fully de-programming we as black people instead accept the evolutionary process of being overtaken by a more advanced organized force — where this advanced nature is not biological but was rather the result of material conditions that just so happened to have developed in Europe leading to the Age of Discovery thus development of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. This acceptance of conquest is the same as other groups, even white groups who were forcefully absorbed into the Western framework (e.g., Germanic pagan tribes conquered by the Frankish Kingdom, the Franks themselves conquered by the Romans, or Baltic peoples conquered by the later Frankish assimilated Germanic kingdoms by way of the Teutonic Orders, etc.), but instead harmonize and venerate our black culture and merge it with Western culture, so blackness with all of its ethics, metaphysics (a good faith, educated, scientific, academic and anthropological approach to topics such as indigenous African religions as opposed to conspiracy theory), epistemology, etc., becomes in part “de facto”, i.e., everyone in theory is a “little black”, i.e., creating a synthesis between the manufactured thesis and antithesis of whiteness and blackness.

The latter solution also being facilitated white people stopping to promote supremacist tropes to justify that conquest as a means of supporting this “synthetization” process, because contemporary people often have contributed nothing to the achievements of the race they claim.

(Radical Thought) If Race is a Construct, then why does the Black Left double down in their own construct? False dichotomies between the House and Field. The nihilistic feedback loop of blackness (c) by Quinton Mitchell

About the author: I have a Bachelors in Business Administration, an additional Associates of Applied Science degree with Contracts Management, and a Master of Science degree in Management with an Operations Management focus. I am honorably discharged veteran of the United States Air Force and veteran of AmeriCorps. I current work in corporate America.

Basic Summary and theory by Quinton Mitchell: There is no distinction between the “House Slave” and “Field Slave” because ultimately the House is “Western Civilization”, so for people who call black Western peoples as being “House Slaves” – often as a means of calling their blackness or lived-existences into question, i.e., shaming, de-legitimizing, etc. – this is actually ironic because even for those who espouse an often Leftist or Marxist, or “woke”, or de-colonial/post-colonial sentiment (e.g. black separatism, black nationalism, black supremacy, etc.) they too are a part of the Western framework (the House). Think about that… Marxism even as a combative ideology to capitalism/imperialism/colonialism IS STILL a Western framework of analysis. If anything those who consider themselves “Field Slaves”, insinuating to themselves as if they are more authentic because they claim to reject the “House”, are disingenuous because they have the decision to fully be unprogrammed from the West but choose not to (often because of comfort), and often come up with an excuse/gas-light to not deprogram (e.g., de-colonize and expatriate back to Africa). At least, those considered “House Slaves” are attempting to carve their own space (room), e.g., the black bourgeoise, within the House (Western Civilization), rather than constantly criticizing the “House” while still technically living in it such as the alleged field-slave. Adding more irony, many of the “field slaves” want what they consider to be the lifestyle that the “house slaves” to be, so in many cases this shaming tactic of “field slaves” (e.g., the urban and rural poor) is jealousy, resentment, taking out their trauma on those who may have had slightly more stable upbringings, etc. The “Field Slave”, i.e., the supposed “that nigga”, the “real nigga”, i.e., the black equivalent of a “chad” (Alpha Male) or self-ascribed unapologetic black person, is…speaking Western languages, using Western philosophy, didactic, has a Western spiritualism, etc. If anything the goal of the Field Slave, i.e., the “woke nigga” within the context of how its used in black cultural discourse, is not to really… achieve what it is they claim to want achieved, logically that is. The logical conclusion of all de-colonial thought is to expatriate, unless the goal is to maybe have some sort of incubation period without outside influences, but on the future goal of re-integrating within the larger multi-cultural society. If this logical conclusion is not followed all we end up with is a sort of “perpetual, spiritual, never-ending struggle”, because people never realize the solution is to de-program if they truly have an issue or see no reconciliation with the “program” (the West). To further add irony, this “perpetual, spiritual, never-ending struggle” becomes something equivalent to “intellectual masturbation”, because it’s not really achieving anything (just as the act of having physical intimacy, i.e., doing something in the real world), but rather is pretending to do something while tricking brain into thinking that it’s achieving something real, e.g., black intellectual talks a lot, but don’t do a lot, but the ultimate “do” is to “de-colonize”, i.e., put your money where your mouth is rather than being in perpetual “thinking” “analyzing” “deconstruction”, etc. The black intellectual notably of the Left, often leaves people with no “solutions” and still while profiting within a capitalist structure (if we are to agree capitalism is bad) say statements such as “there’s no ethical consumption in capitalism”, i.e., this is the best I can do, I can’t change anything, but I’m still going to get my money. Yet, even if giving a solution, the logical conclusion still remains which is to fully de-program.

Foreword #1 - The World is More Segregated Than I’ve seen in a While… Unfortunately… I blame the Far Left and Far Right

The Far Left and Far Right, who both have gripes with “Liberalism”, i.e., Democracy, Republicanism, the notion of individualism, etc., are sort of the same on race but from different directions. Yet, liberals, which includes was consider to be conservatives, are not off the hook either. Where as the Far Right fascist wishes to have racial segregation by positing a sense of racial hierarchy. The Far Left, often Communists, incidentally pushes racial segregation by position de-colonial self-determinism, which is basically, leaving races to purse their own paths. Yet, the liberal in the middle, often has an idea of commodifying race which by proxy creates its own unique segregation that can be profited off of.

Regardless, things are bad. Umar Johnson and Nick Fuentes are essentially the same but just different races. The Nation of Islam in the internet age is able to spread is ideologies under the guise of Pan Africanism so you get their borderline Nazi ideology spreading not only through the “Black West” but also the Caribbean, Africa, etc.

In the wake of Black Lives Matters, there’s been a split between African American and Asian American communities which is in part being addressed by the Stop Asian Hate movement, where many urban Asians see themselves under threat from “unaccountable black violence”. The BLM movement despite its noble intentions of humanizing black bodies, was always going to be scapegoated and gas-lit by white or other supremacists who have always had issues with black people.

Anyways, it seems like this segregationist movement that is on the rise because of Far Left Communist, Woke or “Clinical Gaze” Liberals, and Far Right Racist is…planned. As the world becomes more globalized, many the powers at be need to keep “groups in their zoo cages”. Racial segregation has always been an easy way to control the population.

Foreword #2 – Slight Problem with White Liberals: First off, separate from the core purpose of this post, I want to say that white liberals are sort of annoying, though I find Black Leftist living/benefitting under capitalism, especially those I would consider to be separatist, nationalist, “racial gatekeepers”, etc., to be equally if not more annoying. But relating back to white liberals, I only say this not because they are bad because, in theory, they are allies despite what old snippets of Malcolm X warning black people about white liberals being recycled in the ether of the internet is saying. Yet white liberals (allies) have a bad habit of being supportive of very problematic black ideas largely because they feel they can’t say anything for fear of pushing the “white savior” mentality.

White liberals, despite mostly good intentions, seem to be obsessed with finding the “blackest of black people” – a type of philosopher stone journey for “raw”, “tough”, “Mandingo”, “mama-san”, blackness – because they feel frustrated not being able to fully understand – at least from their perspective – the black experience.

As a result, white liberals end up elevating radical black voices where some are very inquisitive/helpful, but many are actually problematic and self-serving, i.e., grifters. For example, figures that are sexist, patriarchal, or, even woke – where woke to me is first off a subjective term, but how it has morphed in the public lexicon simply means “annoyingly aware to the point of deconstructing reality and slipping into New Age, i.e., “Far Out”, Neoplatonic, esoteric, quasi-Occultic nonsense“, which ironically can lead to cult-like thinking, and arguably in my opinion is a way of inadvertently controlling the public since the “proletariat” is riddled with relativism, thus unable to coordinate, act, plan, and execute).

Woke objectively is not bad. It’s really something akin to barbershop quasi conspiracy and intellectual fact rapping associated with black or BIPOC people as a means of inserting our roles, history, and contributions within the larger superstructures of society (e.g., the field of history itself), but the fringe of wokeness is pure post-truth relativism, paranoia, and conspiracy theory, which feeds back to tropes such as “woogedy boogedy“, i.e., black people stereotyped as overly superstitious and afraid.

White liberal support, though appreciated (and, I sincerely mean that, for example with white liberal support of global protests in support of Black Lives Matters calling out police injustices), often “pornifies”, “fetishizes”, etc., the black experience with a sort of “clinical gaze”, yet, many are just being played ironically by bad-faith black activists who simply want unaccountable power, i.e., a sort of racial cuck-holding, not only over other black people (by playing the “gate keeping and cultural-purity testing game” which i will speak about below) but also others in general. Yet, this behavior that I am criticizing can be done by anyone of any group (and, if anything is the just the dark-side of intersectionality – which in and of itself can be a helpful tool for analysis if used properly). So I’m not trying to insinuate that “white liberals” or even black activists are bad, but rather in many instances, the relationship can come off as mutually exploitative, and often defeatist since many opposing voices within black political discourse are cancelled for appearing not to be “black enough” from this black fetishized aesthetic of the “Black, Marxist, revolutionary, de-colonial” radical.

Foreword #3 – The Dark Wokeness of Umar Johnson, Rizza Islam, and Black Cults

For example, there’s so many “sinister woke” figures nowadays. Nation of Islam with Rizza Islam, followers of Umar Johnson who I call “Umarites”, Hoteps, Moors (Moorish Science Temple), Carbon Nation Cult, Nuwabians, Black Hebrew Israelites, The Nation of Yaweh, the Black Aboriginals (i.e., the fringe ideology that Black Americans are indigenous to the USA and not from Africa), and Naturopathic Con-spiritualist thinkers such as Yahki Rapha Elohim, etc. We can even include Kanye “Ye” in this.

Black people seem more conspiratorial in nature because we’ve had our roots stripped so there’s a deep rooted insecurity when constantly reminded by Western Civilization that we are “lesser”, rather than our African roots being fully included in the West. You add the legacy of segregation where people are left in “echo chambers”, the legacy of mass incarceration (often where Muslim conversion happens), etc.

Yet, instead of intensive, mainline research and anthropology it seems many use “dues ex machina” to fill in the gaps. For example, there’s a movement now saying that Black Americans are indigenous Native Americans, yet, this seems like fringe black though similar to the white supremacist “Vineland movement”, where they believe they as a Germanic peoples are entitled to the Americas because of Vikings settling parts of Eastern Canada.

Umar Johnson, who really doesn’t say anything original but his oration skills mixed with his ability of rapping off facts has elevated him as an important voice in black culture, despite his racial segregation ideas, sexism, and patriarchal tendencies that are often in alignment with the Manosphere (Kevin Samuels, The Fresh & Fit Podcast, etc.) which is prevalent online (e.g., such as his stance of patriarchal polygamy, yet, denouncing feminism and those on the LGBTQ spectrum, or even denouncing those not physically seen as black enough, i.e., dark enough, i.e. spreading colorist ideas but in an inverted way to support black supremacy as opposed to whiteness as purity in favor of white supremacy).

There’s also Rizza Islam of the black supremacist group and cult, the Nation of Islam, who has in my opinion as a person who spends a lot of time online, is simply appropriating conspiracies from other online conspiracy theorists but packaging them for the black community (for example, Rizza Islam’s discussions on transhumanism are no different than Jay Dyer, a white Eastern Orthodox YouTube conspiracy theorist who often spreads anti-West and pro-Kremlin adjacent conspiracies who has links to the MAGA movement via his relationship to Alex Jones). Let’s not forget other black cults such as Nuwabians, Carbon Nation, Black Hebrew Israelites with Brother Nathaneyl, and the child abuse case of Mother Anna in North Florida (who was later arrested in the Metro Atlanta Area), etc.

Main Paper/Post

You often hear in the political Left people say that race is social construct, and by Political Left I mean Socialists (a spectrum of ideologies), Communists – a type of socialism with specific criteria (often under a Marxist ideology which seeks to have a cashless, classless, stateless world by way of a centralized dictatorship of proletariat, i.e., working class), and to some extent Left Liberal (i.e., a progressive who isn’t socialist or Communist but still has liberal principles, and by liberal I mean deriving from the “classical sense” of liberalism to the early modernist definition of liberalism, i.e., believing in private property, separation of church and state, taxes on the rich, etc. We can even throw in some “Centrists” (who have learned to accept or at least tolerate this stance from the Left).

Yet, even though the Left says that race is a social construct, often as a means of challenging and deconstructing the manufactured social systems within colonial/post-colonial nations which are synonymous with the word “Imperialist” (e.g., capitalist, elite, bourgeoisie), it seems that the Left ironically is…race obsessed.

And race obsessed to the point of being a type of inverted version of the “race realism” and “segregation” notable within the Political Right. For example, what the Left ends up pushing self-determination, which is great, but often that self-determination is fueled by a type of race-based (arguably dialectical) anger towards whom a particular group sees as the responsible for their current and/or past treatment.

Adding to this, you get “gatekeeping” of culture where race and culture are often seen as intrinsic, rather than culture being what I call an “ontological construct nuanced by historicity” (i.e., ideas that just so happen to solidify over time and space, often as a people “anthropologically” interact with their environment and where such as ideas or expressions of ideas, e.g., art, are eventually seen as natural when in fact they are mental and social constructions in and of themselves.

As a result of seeing everything in culture as racial in nature – even though the Left refutes race existing in nature – what we end up with is…”purity testing”, which could be re-named “cultural eugenics”, which of course if…eugenics, i.e., the appraisal of purity based on often made-up ideas.

Ironically, for black people in contemporary Left-Wing politics, there’s something disingenuous about this because many people are accepting of the fact that race is a social construct, but many black people under the notion of self-determination are doubling down in their belief of race. Sure, it could be argued that we as black people just simply need our time to ourselves to peacefully process our existences within Western civilization that fell upon us (e.g., creating stable systems that do not “otherize” black peoples).

Yet, black people are more so protected – relatively speaking – compared to the past because of this idea of race as a construct being accepted by “non-blacks”, yet, with black people doubling down in racial consciousness, often where certain actors are not only gate-keeping but perpetuating a typical of “cultural eugenics test” on “outsiders” and “insiders” (i.e., “you’re not black enough” types), this all makes people fall in alignment with a culture (black culture) that ironically was produced by the same white supremacist system we as black people claim to want to transcend above.

Does that make sense? To restate, the political-left says that race doesn’t exist, often as a means of challenging white supremacy/colonialism and by default uplifting black/”BIPOC” peoples, yet, black peoples while using this notion to their benefit in one hand are double-downing in the other hand into a strict adherence to the concept of “blackness”, where such as blackness is ironically a byproduct of white supremacy, where blackness was designed to be the manufactured dialectic to whiteness (AAVE, i.e., African American Vernacular English, i.e., Ebonics vs King’s English, sagging vs wearing your pants up, fluidity vs rigidity, spicy vs bland, etc., etc.) . In other words, black people doubling down on racial purity/separatism are actually giving the white supremacists what they want because the white supremacist wanted black people to be segregated whether white supremacy (Right Wing) did it or black people did it themselves (via Left Wing ideology or even Right-Wing ideology, it doesn’t matter).

Sure, even though we as black people “claimed this culture from our manufactured situation of oppression for ourselves and turned it into empowerment” such as calling ourselves Niggers (niggas) and being polar opposites to what we consider to be “white”, the truth remains that what we are now empowered in what was and still is highly influenced by white supremacy.

In other words, black people will never be “free” unless we totally remove ourselves from this trajectory regardless of if we take it for ourselves. Better put, no matter how black you think you’re acting, you actually acting in many ways what were simply designed to be opposite. In other words, black simply means opposite of white. Just the way I am sure our Founding “Fathers” wanted the colonial caste system to be. To reiterate, acting “black” doesn’t mean “free”, but just opposite, but black to me is not a monolith, yet many black people have a hard time processing away from the monolithic viewpoint of blackness they too were indoctrinated with.

Most Black Americans, including those who claim to be woke, “down”, “bought it, bought it”, etc., aren’t really willing to fully be “unprogrammed”, i.e., leave Western Civilization. Nothing is stopping black people from going back to Africa, taking their US currency, and totally forgetting about all the trauma we seem to be obsessed with reminding ourselves about. But the truth is, most don’t want to leave and will always come up with a “saving face excuse”, such as “We’re still waiting on reparations”, as if reparations – especially in the form of controversial cash payments (only controversial because many people in the US now are not descended from the situations that created black oppression such as slavery) will ever happen. For certain extreme Pro-Black voices, they still desire their capitalist food, TV, sweatshop shoes, etc. So, if anything, most extreme Pro-Black types are not only disingenuous but are really just…talking but talking as a means of pushing what I talked about which is purity testing (cultural eugenics). They want to be rewarded and idolized for saying the most woke things to establish themselves atop a cultural hierarchy. Better put, the extreme Pro-Black woke talker is actually just using culture as a currency in a social hierarchy where performance, words, and aesthetics are more valuable than the actual construction of physical infrastructure, let alone advanced infrastructure. It’s easy to be Pro Black and segregationist and open a food stand, barber business or print T-shirts than it is to build…computers, rockets, etc. If anything, our obsession with race has resulted in a type of intellectual laziness were analyzing culture, qualitative studies, liberal arts, etc., takes precedence over hard to learn sciences such as math, engineering, etc. Instead of the hard things we are content with talking, “preach!”, “oh! snap!”, “he ain’t wrong!” intellectual “rap battles” which at this point have slipped beyond tolerable wokeness and instead have gone into literal La-La land of Ancient Alien, Neoplatonic, Occultic and Antediluvian conspiracy theories (with personalities like Kanye West as the extreme avatar this madness) .

Western Civilization colonized the entire planet. So be it. Who cares? Because Western Civilization doesn’t necessarily mean “white” because a civilization is simply the accrual of ideas that have embedded themselves into systems. Yet, ideas that created Western Civilization, despite being mostly “brewed” in Europe, since Europe offered the best real estate to do so (e.g., a temperate, seasonal area with access to fresh water and ocean access, without major viruses and predators as that of Africa), were derived from “ideas” from all over, be it Muslim math which played a big role in navigation technology, being awe inspired by the Egyptians, philosophy from the ancient Iranians, and let’s not forget that the oldest human activity is from Africa.

But, still there’s black nationalist, Pan Africans, etc., who want to be in the United States yet are continuing to use the antiquated tropes and manufactured dramas of “house niggas” vs “field niggas” as a means of analysis, which just further proves how black minds seem to have the inability to escape dialectical (us. vs them, either/or, Ying Yang) thinking, and if so, they go totally far into the deep end of conspiracy theory.

The irony of Black Extremists or woke types such tropes such as House Nigga or Field Nigga is sadly comical in a nihilistic sense because…we’re all in the house. The house is Western civilization.

For a people birthed from dialectics and who seem to not be able get over dialectical thinking, i.e., white vs black, house nigga vs field nigga, the only solution is dialectics, which is to assimilate or at least be more tolerable to the fact we are now a Western people or to…leave, seriously, go back to Africa. Man or woman up and go back if you give up on the West or the United States. Because, if this does not happen, blackness will forever be an Escher Maze

Black people’s inability to provide acceptance amongst themselves and accept differences will result in a brain drain as black people who climb the ladder will blend with others as they find themselves shamed by their own people but relate to others because they have expanded tastes or see that there’s a larger world outside the constraints of black culture, but also we will have a smaller more radical group of black people where black people will likely be fourth in place as Hispanics and Asians move in and outperform black Americans.

(Theory) West African & Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WA-ASP). The unique ethnogenesis of African American Culture in Western Civilization by Quinton Mitchell

African American culture if you step back objectively is essentially Afro-Anglo-Saxon-Celtic

History does not stop and history is an evolutionary chronicle of human development. We often make the mistake of treating “race” and “ethnicity” as static non-evolutionary (unchanging) concepts, typically since race as we see it, is a modernist construct that arose alongside European colonialism over other groups of humans.

But, we often make the mistake of seeing race as concrete in my opinion, because of the now debated thesis of neolibieral capitalist thinker, Francis Fukuyama, with his “End of History” idea, which relating to concepts of race/ethnicity and culture, makes the mistake of turning culture into commodities or “brand names” of post-Treaty of Westhpahlian nation-states, when in fact culture is always shifting and will contiue to evolve. Note: The Treaty of Westphalia is often agreed to be the beginning of modern nation-states.

For example, as we debate race in the modern world, we often forget fascinating historical events such as the fact that Asians from as far as Mongolia left a genetic and culture imprint on Europe. We often don’t talk about how the very language in which I’m writing this in, i.e., English, is a type of Indo-European language, falling under a family of languages that includes distant tongues as far as India. We forget the fact that Germanic warriors set up a Vandal Kingdom in North Africa in modern day Algeria and Libya. Or, we forget the fact that sub-saharan “black” Africans sometimes found themselves in Europe as far back as the Roman Period and even further back with the Greeks making note of black Africans with figures such as Memnon (likely from ancient Ethiopia).

We often never talk about how there was a dynasty of Roman Emperors were from North Africa and the Middle East. We never talk about what we consider to be modern German, British, etc., are fairly new concepts in the span of history and are based on a confluence of diverse factors, groups, tribes, migrations, etc. We even forget to acknowledge that Iron Age settlers from the Middle East with more advanced farming techniques settled in Europe as ice-sheets thawed and these settlers merged this “old Europeans” of the Ice Age period, and later Central Asian and Iranian peoples invaded.

Meghan Markle marrying Prince Harry is in a way an acknowledgement of an open secret that’s always been staring us in the face, which is that African Americans (similar to other black diaspora peoples under the yoke of English culture, e.g. Black Canadians, African Americans, Jamaicans, etc.) are a Western peoples branching strongly from English Anglo-Saxon “Western” culture.

For example, the Jamaican dialect is noted for being influenced by Irish settlers alongside African slaves. If we hear “ebonics” or African American Vernacular English and compare it to Cockney accents of London, there’s many similarities in the sound.

These Black English Diaspora groups often have varying levels of European DNA to do sexual relationships between Africans and Europeans in the colonial period and onward. A big reason why we still have such a discernible visibly black population is because colonial governments such as those of Virginia noticed an uptick in “yellow” people, i.e., bi-racial people, and put bans on the practice of interracial relationships, but also after the invention of the cotton-gin by Eli Whitney, a new group of black Africans were imported into the United States, sustaining slavery as an institution for another 80 years until the Civil War, and slowing down racial mixing. For example in Spanish or French countries (Latin) you had categories of White with Native American, White with African, etc., but in the English colonies, such large mixed groups were hidden or discouraged.

In theory, the same way how Mestizo in Spanish culture is often the dominate ethnic group (Iberian European mixed with Native American), the English colonial-based “mulatto” culture was limited by law, thus creating a more entrenched racial binary between white and black, which was essential in maintain a divide-and-conquer system that benefited the merchant and owner classes.

The marriage of Meghan to Harry might be looked back on with history as a strategic marriage that brought black diaspora culture/peoples together with European culture, by ordaining it with the aesthetics of western nobility. Such strategic marriages have been common throughout aristocratic history, where leaders often marry into group that were subjugated as a means of including said groups into the existing power structures, e.g., a Frankish prince marrying a Bavarian or a Saxon princess, etc.

Meghan and Harry’s marriage represents in part an attempt at reconciliation and unity between white European culture and Westernized African Diaspora culture, and….in perfect fashion, there are powers at be who cannot get over the manufactured racial dialectic.

Prince Archie not only represents the unique sub-culture of black culture within Western Civilization, but he also literally represents the West, since he is a descendant of Charlemagne himself, as well as William The Conqueror, Rollo the Viking, Henry the Lion, etc.

African-Americans, largely descended from the dense rainy forests, river delta, and Sahel peoples of West Africa, experienced a process of assimilation no different than European pagan groups being assimilated such as the Germanic forest peoples such as the Saxons, the Baltic peoples, the Finns, etc.

But, we often don’t see it in this light because the modern USA has such an entrenched and dialectical viewpoint of race, i.e., innocuous racial segregation. “Proper talk” vs “ebonics”. Stiff vs rhythm. Bland vs spicy, etc. Stereotypes policed by the general public.

Black Americans experiencing slavery is similar to German tribes being forced into Christianity and serfdom by the Franks and earlier Romans. On a likely dreary day in the fall time of 782 AD, Charlemagne, the Frankish warrior king who would become Holy Roman Emperor, i.e., the de jure ruler of Western and Central Europe as crowed by the Pope, ordered the beheading of around four thousand & two hundred (4,200 estimate) Saxons.

The Saxons were a Germanic tribe of pagan forest peoples who lived in modern day Northwest Germany, first documented by the earlier Romans who tried but never truly conquered the various Germanic factions (e.g., the Alemanni, Suebi, Bavarii, Thurnigii, Macromanni, Saxons, Frisii, Franks, etc.).

Charlemagne on his blood-thirsty conquest of the pagan Germanic peoples of the dense forests of Central Europe, wanted the covert the Saxons to Christianity and he went so far as to deface sacred objects to the Saxons such as the Irminsul (a sacred tree). Charlemagne’s incentive for conquests was to spread to Christianity, not because he was the best Christian, actually far from it, but since his title of Emperor was ordained by the Pope, Charlemagne had an obligation to conquer to people, i.e., more Christians means more people for him to easily rule over and have the backing of the Papacy.

The irony is these “Earthy German forest peoples” with soul became Westernized into the expansionist ideals of Christian evangelism, and even more ironic these once enslaved Europeans would enslave black Africans.

In other words, Christianity and colonization are often synonymous with each other, and with conquest often comes crimes against humanity such as genocide, but this isn’t merely a Christian issue, but can be found in most major world religions, including Islam.

The Saxons eventually fell and were assimilated into Western culture, i.e., at the time meaning Latin based Roman Catholicism centered around a feudal model of serf-renters (sharecroppers) under a militarily-protected land-owner noble class of Frankish extraction, similar to how the Franks assimilated earlier into Western Roman culture.

Note: Frank eventually meant to go mean “free” and the word Frank influenced the word “Franchise”, i.e., what we today consider the be the right to vote, but also the modern business term of franchise meaning a business who is licensing their name of a smaller organization for a fee (nobles were granted their rank by promising to represent the central leaders and each party in a sort of pact or contract would perform a duty for each other, e.g., the lower noble charged with mustering defense and supervising agricultural production, whereas the central leader promised protection and the settling of disputes. Workers on estates, i.e., everyone else but the ruling class, were seen as “villains” coming from the word “villa”, descended from the Roman plantation system farms of villas where many conquered Celtic and Germanic people’s worked on as …slaves.

Charlemagne’s blood line eventually lost its grip over Imperial power across the empire, and those the Franks had conquered or married into took over, e.g., the Robertians of West Francia based out of Paris would eventually take over what is today France and the Capetian Dynasty arose from this. In Italy, the Uroching Family – related to Charlemagne – took over Italy for a time, yet, in the Germany, the Saxons muscled their way over leadership of the Germanic peoples of present day Germany (first under the Ottonian Dynasty and then later under the Welf Family, whom at a time controlled Saxony in the North and Bavaria in the South near the Alps).

By the late 12th century, the Duke of the Saxons, Henry the Lion (of the House of Welf. Note: The modern British royal family is in part strongly descended from the House of Welf-Este which included an Italian and German line), started to “colonize and settle” the Northeastern part of Germany and Northwest Poland, which were inhabited by a mix of Western Slavic (proto-Polish) Prussians, Obotrites, Sorbs, etc.

This colonization by German settlers lead to the violent Northern Crusades beginning around 1147. The militant and fanatical Christian Teutonic Knights and Knights of the Livonian Order, established what could be considered a “for-profit military contractor outpost” in the Baltic region. The Teutonic Knights shifted their focus from the Crusades of the Levant (in defense of Jerusalem, Acre, etc.), where they were protecting and treating (i.e., hospitalling) Christian pilgrims, to a militant force for Germanic colonization, largely as a means of staying relevant (warriors need war to exist and the fuedal social order relied on second or third sons either joining the clergy or becoming a soldier selling his service on the hopes he’d be eventually alloted his own land to manage or keep to oversee).

The Teutonic Order was accused of war crimes such as genocide against these “Wendish”, i.e., West Slavic and Baltic peoples. Dominican Priests such as John of Falkenberg would advocate for genocide against the Western Slavic and Baltic tribes as a means of justifying the war crimes of the Teutonic Order.

Rewind, before the Saxon Conquests by Charlemagne, around 300-500 AD, near the end of the Western Roman Empire, many Saxons migrated into England. This period was the “Great Migration” period where various “barbarian” tribes moved all over the European continent seeing a power vacuum left as the Romans declined. For example, the Goths would sack Rome before half of their confederation staying in Italy while the other half went treasure seeking and land grabbing in modern day Spain.

The Saxons, Angles, Frisians (the closest language to modern English), and Jutes merged with the native Briton populations created, who were influenced in part by Roman rule in Britannia, creating Anglo-Saxons and displacing the Celtic tribes who fled to the North, the West (Wales) and Southwest (modern day Cornwall), etc. Note: this period is speculated as being the origin story of King Arthur, i.e., a supposed Roman-Briton warrior with his Celtic sorcerer teacher in Merlin (representing the old ways before Christianization) fighting against the invading pagan Saxons and Germans.

This Anglo-Saxon culture in the England would go to influence modern English culture (along side, and this culture was eventually forced upon West Africans, whom like Saxons of old, were assimilated into Western “Roman” Germanic culture.

What is an African American?

A person of West African descent assimilated into Christian Anglo-Saxon and Celtic culture resulting a unique branch of Western culture that oscillates between African culture, mostly due to a re-surged interests in indigenous African customs in the Civil Rights Era, and European culture. This ethnogenesis resulting in black people with English, Irish, Welsh, Scottish and French surnames, who are overwhelmingly Protestant but with some representation within Catholicism.

African American could be defined as Afro-Celtic, Afro Saxon, Afro Saxon-Celtic, West African Teutonic, etc.

For example, my name Quinton Mitchell where this version of Mitchell comes from Scottish American settlers. Think of Larry Fitzgerald, Donovan McNabb, Martin Luther King, Jr., etc. Before the 1970s, most Black Americans named their children these Germanic Celtic names.

The same process by which the Saxons of old were assimilated into the West, the forest peoples of West African experienced the same thing, ironically from descendants of Saxon influenced culture. Also, the same way that European pagans of the Baltic fought against German (heavily influenced by Saxon culture) and how Saxons fought against the earlier Franks, African-Americans resisted white supremacy.

But, the reason we don’t include African Americans within the iconography of Western Civilization is due to (A) racism by white supremacy, and (B) reactionary movement to that supremacy which is a de-colonial Pan-Africanist mindset espoused by black nationalists, which is often associated with political Left as is as of 2022, considering this ideology could be argued as inspired by Marxist ideology which seeks to flatten hierarchical systems.

Attempts by African Americans to accept their place within Western Civilization as activate participants is often seen as “selling out” by black nationalists and an affront by white supremacists to the status quote. This all seems to be by design in my opinion, i.e., keeping African Americans out of the glory of Western Civilization by convincing us to not want to participate, i.e., encouraging self-determinism and segregation as a means of achieving what white supremacy wanted along, aka, segregation of the races.

In other words, African Americans are Western people but traditionally discriminated against from owning what rightfully belongs to them as well, i.e., a stake in the longevity of Western Civilization. More disturbing, many Black Americans have convinced themselves to disassociate from the West.

Further, due to the rise of black nationalism which often basis itself in opposition to “whiteness”, this ideology too has erased the uniqueness of African Americans with Western Civilization, because so much of Black Nationalism sees no sort of reconciliation process as being possible, and often defines itself, ever-growing with a dialectal mindset, i.e., doing the opposite for opposites sake as a means of defining blackness as separate from “white”.

For example, many extremist black nationalist groups adopting Islamic ideology (which is ironic considering Islam played a big role in the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, e.g., Muslims couldn’t enslave other Muslims so they enslaved pagan nature-worshiping Africans, similar to how Christians enslaved European pagans)

Are Black Men, OK? Conspiracy Theory, Postmodernism, Trauma, and “Dr.” Umar Johnson. The Great Re-Segregation? By Quinton Mitchell

I. What is going on? Umar Johnson, Duh F-ck?

Terrence Howard, Kanye, B.o.B, Tyga, DeSean Jackson, Will Smith…something is going on.

I appreciate Umar standing up for black people but I disagree with him on things.

He’s another talker in a sea of people doing the same, chasing that easy money from the “algorithm”

I wonder how many women Dr. Umar Johnson sleeps with after his seminars while touring the country considering a lot of the applause in his crowds seems to come from black (maybe single, maybe not) women. Seriously. He’s selling a product that many want, and I figure many women might want the honor of saying they’re the muse to the “honorable” Dr. or “Chief” or “Emir” Umar Johnson.

For such a judgemental person he’s out of shape and should cut back on the deep fried lemon pepper wings.

Considering his misogyny and bigotry, like the “reject modernity, embrace traditionalism” “black people were better under segregation” of thinkers like Kevin Samuels, with the late Mr. Samuels having been associated with podcasts like the Fresh and Fit Podcasts (which leads to Rollo Tomassi, Andrew Tate, Stefan Molyneux, Lauren Southern, The Young Americans, etc.), I wouldn’t be surprised if Johnson, with his version of Pan-Africanism, is a proponent of polygamy, considering many men are doing whatever they can these days to “get their balls” back, even though I’d argue they were never taken/they’re embarrassing themselves/saying things they might not be able to take back one day. But, who knows? That’s just speculation my part…

I guess according to Umar… people who love each other and have children across “racial lines” have to get…divorced? Split time with their kids? Feel shame?

Fuck you.

Umar chirps about staying in your race and that black men should only date black women but this puts all the blame on men as if black women don’t set the criteria. Marrying someone simply for their race and no other characteristic is stupid to me but it works for some.

There’s plenty of black men for black women and if a woman can’t find a partner that’s more of a sign of her than men. There’s always a willing man more than a willing woman in my opinion. Black women are also allowed to date outside their race and this doesn’t offend me. I remember growing up and there was no love thrown my way and I can admit that. I also grew up traveling as a military brat where environments are very diverse and non-segregated.

Honestly all the anti-whitey talk is a turn off. It’s a turn off to air this supposed dirty laundry. Hate is a turn off. Ignorance is a turn off.

I admit, I’m dating a white woman but black women are beautful but my lady isn’t black. Cool. She makes me feel supported, free, and she doesn’t think she knows better when I speak about race. I can be a nerd. I don’t have to worry about appearances. I can listen to whatever music I want. She simply listens. She shows me affection and there’s no real power struggles. I support her.

No one supported me so why turn my hand away from someone I care for just because of a fat and fat mouthed bigot rapping off black stats and woke talking points I already know about?

I use to live in “Hotlanta” and went to high school there but it wasn’t my style 100%. Bougie. Fast. Heartless. Fake it to you make it. Avarice. Leased cars. Shootings. Strip clubs. Hook up culture. Some of the most spoiled black children I’ve ever seen living in mansions but making fun of poor kids or bullying white kids. Granted there was plenty of old Dixie hate around. I know the S.W.A.T, Ben Hill, Greenbrier, Fort Mac, Old National, Riverdale, the West End near Morehouse and Spelman, just as much as I know the burbs where I grew up where my school was 50% black. Church on Sunday, wings for lunch with extra bleu cheese or Publix chicken with “fixins” on the side. To be honest I miss old days of black culture before rap, before “woke”, but I’m not hating. I grew up with two parents, one from the hood of Miami near Liberty City by way of kinfolk from Alabama near Selma (my grandmother grew up near Coretta Scott King), and my other parent is from the backwoods country of Georgia.

Yet, Umar Johnson has no right to tell a black person who lives the black experience, which is an experience of many experiences, from poor to bourgeoisie, rural to urban, Northern to southern, East to West, native born American or new African immigrant, part black, extrovert, or introvert, straight or gay, tall, or short, “proper sounding” or ebonics, that they aren’t black because they don’t meet his criteria.

When will black people ever stop this? Time and time again…This purity testing? Blackness could be this all-encompassing and loving movement, happy to spread sacred wisdom of the Motherland to influence all mankind, but instead it comes off as hate against hate.

And, who care’s if he’s “eloquent” or “funny”. Hitler was eloquent. Idi Amin was eloquent. Mao was eloquent. Grand Wizard’s can be eloquent or funny.

Dr. Umar who is essentially in the Intellectual Dark Web, like quacks such as Jordan Peterson, Stefan Molyneux, Eric Weinstein, etc. He’s not building anything. He’s not engineering anything. He’s not coding for anything. He’s just another…talker. A paid, viral, algorithm chasing talker with some papermill doctorate, in our postmodern hellscape of self-help gurus with fascist underpinnings hidden under Joseph Campbell Jungian analysis or whatever.

I find it offensive that Umar as one American guy thinks he can single handedly define what Pan-Africanism is. His Pan-Africanism seems like a black man’s wet dream of Hitler grandeur with his Pan-Aryan ideas or some George Orwell 1984 dystopia. Pan-Africanism, Umar aside, despite the noble intentions and the many contributions of self-ascribed Pan-Africanist is inserting a black framework into larger discussion, seems like a form of reverse colonialism where predominately American voices are dictating the narrative, despite America, compared to black countries abroad, is privileged. Yes, systems do oppress black people, but one black American has more opportunity than many black Africans abroad.

I understand the need for we as black people to regain a sense of our roots, but often Pan-Africanism seems like erasure, oddly. It attempts to merge all black aesthetics into one on the grounds of unity, but incidentally might erase the unique nuances that makes the black experience so unique. Further it might not even include things which some might not consider “black enough”. It also might insert toxic elements from the America’s into the family oriented, rural, and pastoral cultures of many African groups. It’s not that Pan Africanism is bad, but how it has come to be, seems slightly problematic but questioning it in certain circles is grounds for something akin to “excommunication”.

And, by the way if you’re some white liberal reading this. Respectfully, all love to you, thank you for being allies to black people in time of need, but on this matter… white liberals have a tendency of listening to the loudest black voice in the room because they’re constantly searching for the blackest “diamond” in the rough.

Pan-Africanism in one way could be considered a bridgehead for the United State’s growing interests in Africa to hedge countries like China, and the US State Department (and intel community) could use “Pan-Africanists” to insert US ideas into Africa.

Adding insult to injury as Umar goes around threatening the existences of interracial couples who are already receive hatred from certain parties, he also DID NOT go to a Historically (emphasis on historically) Black College and University (as if it matters or makes you less black if you don’t go to one). Sorry, is Obama not black enough for going to an Ivy League college, a place where black people were denied for most of American history? Why are we shaming black dance teams at “white colleges” when this could be a showcase of black culture, etc.? Black people act like white folk don’t have (or, didn’t invent) remote controls. It’s not hard for others to watch Grambling vs Southern or the Celebration Bowl.

Umar went to Millersville University and got an advanced degree from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, where osteopathic medicine is heavily criticized by traditional medicine, but it’s not that Umar cares, or many of his follower’s care, considering we live in a world of Zodiac followers and hand-readers, because he simply needed a Dr. in front of his name to give himself more credence. Good on him for achieving it, but simply because you’re a “doctor” doesn’t mean your prescription to the world’s problems are entirely accurate.  

He’s even been caught lying talking about his ancestry to Frederick Douglass according to The Root (2017) article by Michael Harriot, titled: We Fact-Checked Umar Johnson’s Hotep Tantrum with Roland Martin Because Someone Had To. That should have cancelled him, but his hotep followers don’t care, his black female followers obsessed with black men with white women don’t care, no different than Trump supporters not caring for his multiple lies.

The further irony of Umar is that he’s some type of Muslim, but for whatever odd reason, black Americans never question the fact that Islam played a huge role and still does play on in the enslavement of black people. Muslims, whom I have no problem with, but relating to the history of slavery in Africa, weren’t permitted to enslave fellow Muslims, so being in Northern Africa and the Sahel, Muslims made raids into Sub-Saharan Africa or traded for slaves for goods with black African tribes or kingdoms. Tribes who didn’t want to be enslaved and wanted to make money from the gold trade routes converted to Islam as a business decision. These gold trade routes helped Timbuktu flourish, but the wealth of gold trading Muslim African Kingdoms likely tipped off the Europeans who had contact with Islam (for better or worsts).

After the Reconquista of Spain and Portugal over the Moors, the Portuguese simply sailed to areas that Muslims were familiar with, and the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade began in the Age of Discovery, especially after Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand sent Christopher Columbus to what would be the new world.

If certain black people are so committed to “de-colonization”, then why not go further, and return to nature-worship which is more indigenous than any Abrahamic religion? However, our ancestors in the USA fought with Christianity inspiring us, so why throw away what our ancestors fought with simply because we want “consciousness”? Why can’t you be a Christian or a cultural one at least (identifies as one, but not a hardcore follower) like most Americans and be equally as intrigued with African culture? Are we better than our ancestors because they were more oppressed than us, but they didn’t “fight hard enough” according to or modern standards? I dunno…

I would argue the existence of black people is miserable because not only are you oppressed by systems out of your control that inherently criminalized or stereotype you, but you’re also policed, haggled, and harassed by your own black people where everyone walks around purity testing the authenticity of the other instead of owning their own lives. You’re a target of white supremacists and get the ire of black nationalists.

Yet, maybe I can’t be mad at Umar because black people are human and most humans care about what other’s think and try to fit in as to not bring negative attention to themselves.

II. Want to Hear a Conspiracy?


Want to hear a “conspiracy theory”?

Ok. Here we go…

White supremacists love black separatism.

Oh, wait, that’s not a conspiracy.

It’s as if the Founding Fathers who supported slavery but knew that the freedom of black people was inevitable, knew that one day, particularly with black people being treated so poorly, would segregate themselves, because they would hate white people, which was their plan all along.

There’s something odd going on to me, but it seems we as a people have accepted the contemporary discourse of self-determination and tribalism as a needed tenant for a more just world, yet, to me, I suspect that this tribalism, particularly in the United States, where white and black are more similar than we given credit for, is and has been pre-planned or is the expression of past segregated/nationalistic ideas still echoing into the present (for example, even the hippies of days past were still racially regressive compared today’s standards but their views or analyses on race, gender, etc., largely remains unchanged to this day).

The Great Replacement Theory” or “Kalegri Plan” is something spouted by conspiracy theorists, white nationalists, and Nazis (and, Fox News) alike, but I would argue that the future is the “Great Re-Segregation”.

The Great Re-Segregation is the innocuous herding of groups into defined spaces (maybe, even “smart cities” with “themes” and within meta-verse spaces, i.e., no different than racially segregated neighborhoods) in a globalized world where groups are essentially herded like animals (without thinking of it as such), where our data is collected (genetic information included), surveillance is everywhere, and the mass media is used to stir up unrest in the public, yet, since levers of power will be largely influenced by Westernized European inspired ideas, policy, etc., but also the growing influence of the homogeneous Chinese.

A society ruled by a technocratic elite (i.e., like things already are), indifferent to progressivism or conservatism, who operate with a pragmatic and “syncretic” viewpoint and manages the species, like a Darwinist exhibition. Sure, we will still have overlap between the groups, because we as a species have always had overlap, because sharing genetics helps “keep gene pools” humble (not inner-bred), which helps the overall longevity of the species (i.e., genetic vigor), but most people will be herded (socially groomed) to segregate and the political right and political left are both responsible.

Countries are essentially “centers” overseeing commodified groups where all nations answer upward to institutions and systems effectively ran by a small group of people, i.e., a pyramid scheme. When consumer bases start to slow down in how fast they replicate while also demanding more rights as they climb the economic ladder, economic down-turns are manufactured, new bodies from around the globe are shifted into industrial ones, and process of segregation in one hand and assimilation in another takes course.

However, I don’t want you to lose faith in all institutions, and institutions in many ways are highly effective at mitigating risks and subsidizing costs to help the public; however, there’s players within these systems that seem to have an agenda, or maybe these leaders are simply operating subconsciously the way the system was designed to, i.e., an empiricist, scientific, sterile mindset of mitigating groups, creating grand narratives, managing the scarcity of resources, etc.

III. Trauma, Conspiracy Theory, etc., etc.

But on black people.

Terrance Howard is flying around the world telling people that he has disproved gravity. Kanye “Ye” West is having a psychotic episode for our sick entertainment as he is handled by white nationalists and antisemites using him as a “pet to prove that they aren’t has “unstable” as Ye. Rapper, B.o.B., attempted crowdfunding to raise money to help prove the Earth is flat. NFL Wide receiver, DeSean Jackson was called out for saying antisemitic things. Rappers such as Tyga often talks about “Jewish money”, etc., the irony is that there’s likely Jewish management working on his albums (with rappers also somehow allowed to say terms like “white bitches”). Will Smith, likely feeling emasculated by social media and his wife (or, life partner, what have you, whom had a relationship with Tupac – who holds a messianic status amongst certain black people), calling his manhood and even blackness into question, assaulted another black man on stage, in front of the whole world, at the world’s most prestigious acting award (even if the event has fallen off in popularity in recent years as far as ratings). Kyrie Irving did share a post of a “Black Hebrew Israelite” adjacent documentary (not to be confused with black people who practice Orthodox or Reformed Judaism) that has antisemitic tropes.

The comedian, Godfrey, and even the radio personality, Charlemagne the God, whom I would say have their heads on right for the most part, sometimes praise the Farrakhan’s of the Nation of Islam, which as a group espouses…Black Nazi rhetoric, even if they make certain good points analyzing power, how things work, etc. I found it interesting that everyone called out Ye for his obvious hatred, yet, there this veneration for figures like the Farrakhan’s which is often a way of proving “how down you are” in a culture were purity testing, i.e., sizing each other up seems prominent.

Black people have been taught that we cannot be racist, but only prejudiced, since we lack institutional power, yet, the irony of this idea is that A) it allows black people to not challenge our potentially bigoted ideas and to feel empowered within those beliefs because traditionally we lack power, and B) this notion seems like a form of infantilizing black people by saying our actions aren’t as comparable to that of our supposed “superiors”, and this can be problematic on multiple fronts such as empowering sociopaths who already lack the ability to take self-accountability, and yes, black people can be sociopaths as well.

Bullet point (B) in my opinion tends to be promoted more by non-black liberals or non-black Leftists, who struggle with how to help or listen for fear of offending. Building empowerment solely on the idea that we as black people don’t have power or haven’t had an impact on power systems, seems defeatists to me, i.e., a victim-based mentality, which sure has plenty of merit – considering black people were and are victims in many ways – but, this tendency also has elements of “erasure”, i.e., it erases the impacts black people have been able to insert on power systems.

We as black people always focus on depression as black people. Our movies are either hilarious comedies or the most depressing family or slavery stories. It’s one extreme to the next. It reminds me of the Greek mask where one half is smiling and the other is sad.

Many self-ascribed black nationalists don’t know every single black person who contributed something of prominence, and we often talk about social leaders and celebrities, as opposed to our engineers, scientists, doctors, etc., which interestingly is something that all groups do, further showing we’re no better or worse than anyone else.   

Before I go on, I want to state that I want all humans to be inspired by blackness. I do not want black exclusivity, black segregation, black hierarchies, black gatekeeping, purity testing, etc. We are all humans and should find inspiration and commonality amongst each other because we all have different ways of seeing things, so it’s intelligent to learn and adapt to each other. The same way how when I was kid found a moral is tales like Robin Hood who fought the rich and the state for the benefit of the common man, I want a white kid feeling lonely in the boonies to be inspired by Shaka Zulu.

I’ll get to the point of my beliefs. I don’t like segregation. I was raised with a Christian inspired Abolitionism that seeks a future where are people judged by their actions solely and not for their race.

Even though I am by no way a good Christian, and many Christians would reject me as being a Christian because I’m not an extremist, I still place merit on the teachings on mercy, love, humility, etc., that Christianity teaches.

Interestingly, my political left leanings are in part inspired by Christian mercy.

I believe that racial segregation is social engineering derived from our colonial roots and is a way of dividing the public by manufacturing dialectical (diametrically opposed) tension, cultures., etc.

I find it “funny” that white nationalists support the rhetoric of black separatists, so…if logic is to persist, and black people or the political left say that the US is white supremacists (i.e., Amerikkka), then maybe black separatism was intended to be another force that keeps the races separate, so they can be “farmed” “herded” etc. I find it interesting that certain elements of Left-Wing thought, with its anti-colonial, post-colonial, and de-colonial framework calls for self-determinism, yet, white nationalists or other Right-Wing forces call for self-determination too.

I believe that those in power use both left-wing and right-wing because they have a pragmatic view of power, to maintain racial segregation, hierarchies, etc., but these people, seeing themselves as entitled to “evolve the species”, use tension to merge elements of bipolar opposites, so from the explosion of these opposite agents, you create a new paradigm, but the later repeat the cycle as new diametrically opposed binaries reveal themselves.

There’s a Darwinists and Enlightenment Period based mindset (which includes liberalism, Communism, fascism, and capitalism) that sees chaos and flux as essential in the process of evolution and these concepts are embedded into Western thought, didactic, etc. The common man, burdened by the grind of existence, where the system knows and manipulates our Maslow Hierarchy of Needs by creating scarcity (competition, unemployment, etc.), is more likely to find solace in their identity (the cheapest form of currency in my opinion), and not question how those identities are constructed to be binaries in a system of control for the benefit of a few.

For example, the Nation of Islam, which is listed as a hate group by the US State Department, Southern Poverty Law Center (who helped take down the KKK in the 1960s), and Anti-Defamation League, believes that black scientist named Yakub (insinuating Jacob from the Jewish tradition) created white people and other races with an unspecified birth-control method to be “diametrically opposed” to blackness, and to conquer black people.

Nation of Islam by the way was allegedly created by a man impersonating a black man, and he mysteriously disappeared, potentially stealing money from membership fees of poor blacks. Many poor black people fled up north, and the creator of the Nation of Islam, using the then popular trend of secret groups, like B’nai B’rith, the Klu Klux Klan, etc., focused on these new black migrants who became jaded by racism up north. Before the twentieth century, after the Civil War, the United States saw an increase in spiritualism, mesmerism (hypnosis), seances, etc., because there was a lot of death from the war and a changing of America as new immigrants came in. The N.O.I., is simply a byproduct of these events. Today, the Nation of Islam has ties to Scientology, which is further proof of the mind-control elements the N.O.I. seeks out.

Simply reading this I can pull so much. A) black people descended from slaves often make similarities to that of the ancient Jews in captivity since that was the only book that slaves were allowed to read (or, be read too), granted it was redacted by slave owners to justify slavery, B) because of Christianity being forced upon us – my people, as it was for most groups, including tribal Europeans in the Dark Ages, newly freed black people after slavery, notably those exposed to other ideas in Northern Cities, were searching for identity and some chose a religion that was perceived as polar opposite to Christian, rural, and Southern, yet still beholden to the credibility of Abrahamic faiths, and chose unorthodox Islam, and C) the figure of Yakub – a rip off of Jacob – is essentially the concept that not only chirps to anti-Jewish thought, but also the notion of the “Uncle Tom”, “sell-out”, “race traitor”, etc., meaning that the Nation of Islam inserted this character, as a “purity testing” trip-wire figure, as a means of taking the high ground to call any detractors or critics “enemies of the race”, which is a pretty low and lazy way of winning arguments.

There was also an aversion to the COVID-19 vaccines, despite black Americans in certain categories being at increased risk for contracting it due to high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, etc., but also black and Latin workers often work in businesses that were prone to outbreaks such as warehouses, meat packing facilities, restaurants, etc.

Sure, my last point about COVID-19 is more understandable, because to be frank, the virus was new, people had limited information, the virus did fundamentally change how we operate (such as tele-work, social distancing, etc.), and there is a general mistrust of institutions; however, for all the other previous points stated, there is a trend of black men, notably popular black celebrities, descending into what I consider to be postmodern solipsism, relativity, and conspiracy theory.

Further, as this phenomenon of black celebrities going mad is happening, which is not necessarily new, there are public figures willingly to use this distortion or confusion of what is real or what is not real to mix it with Pan-Africanism so these public leaders to ascend to prominent positions.

Umar Johnson, for example, is a Men’s Rights Activist, likely inspired by the late yet controversial Kevin Samuels (whom like Jesse Lee Peterson, tells the story that black people were better off segregated).

IV. Fascism hiding under Postmodernism

Misinformation affects all people regardless of demographic because as a society we are now living in a hyper-reality of late-stage, globalized capitalism – full of parody, pastiche, bad actors, i.e., trolls or agents of misinformation, and recycled pop culture – where the distinction between real and fake, or simulation and simulacra is hard to discern.

We live in a world where corporate power for example is so strong, innocuous, and entrenched and it pervades all aspects of life, including the commodification of race, culture, sexuality, orientation, ideology, religion, education, healthcare, and just about…everything. Even misinformation is commodified.

I say that postmodernism is the chameleon skin that shrouds the predatory animus of capitalism.

The disorienting “skin”, i.e., postmodern culture, is simply a way of capitalism to sustain itself by a) creating relativity so we don’t know what is real or fake, and b) recycling culture, often in anachronistic fashion, because most growth or markets have already been exhausted, and most production isn’t from labor value but is from financialization, i.e., using fiat money to speculate on assets to create artificial demand where those at the top benefit the most, and manipulate business cycles to their own benefit (knowing government’s, already being privatized, will insure their loses at taxpayer expense).

As a result, we live in a world where “Continental Philosophy” encompassing fields such as metaphysics and existentialism merges with “Analytical Philosophy” encompassing fields like linguistics, game theory, logic, etc. In other words, we have a lot of intensive research and data alongside endless subjective interpretations of said data thus leading to a “collective flux”, i.e., mass solipsism, resulting in statements such as “my truth”.

Even though this democratization of information can be inspiring and helpful (e.g., checking institutional power), it does lead to a “triumph of the will” of ideas, i.e., the strongest survives, hence we may be subject to constant and ever-growing ideological conflict as ideas battle each other with no sense of moderation or consensus in sight.

But as a fellow black man, I can understand why there’s this need for truth among black people, yet, it seems to be leading black men (not saying more so than anyone else) down conspiracy rabbit holes.

The truth is, of course, black people had our diverse and often differing indigenous identities stripped and were forcibly yet partially assimilated into Western Civilization, to be labor power, but also to serve as an aesthetic binary to whiteness, where blackness became the magnet for the vileness of white supremacy.

Black Americans were designed to arouse a sense of supremacy in white settlers, many who had nothing but the value of being white.

Black people historically were denied education, reading, the ability to speak up, and our own destinies. Yet, this doesn’t mean that black people lacked aptitude, but rather we were disbarred from understanding the civilization which fell upon us, and which also devalued us. There’s a tendency to think that we’re not getting the entire story, or, there’s a paranoia of some higher deeper and nefarious truth – which is true but can be untrue depending upon on how we seek those truths.

But, how far black people have come is a true miracle.

We must be willing to check our own theses.  

Simply because we feel something doesn’t mean that it is true, and the also the simplest path towards a solution is often not the truth but its tempting to take the less arduous path. For example, antisemitism is often a gross simplification of the truth, because Jews don’t run the world, even though, of course, there are powerful players that are Jewish pulling the levers of power, but to time and time again blaming Jews is intellectually lazy and ironic. If Jews really ran the world, why would they not just bulldoze anyone in their way?

White nationalist for example, preach that they are superior one second, while claiming to be victims at the same time, and most of the bad ideas that are affecting everyone – white people included – were created by white people. Karl Marx, a Jew, or a BIPOC person didn’t steal your job, but Mitt Romney working in Leveraged Buyouts did.

The temptation to jump to antisemitism, is disingenuous, and an easy scapegoat, but black people do this too, i.e., we try to find a simple explanation without understanding all the nuances, conflicts, inner diversity of various groups, etc.

When you add all of this with the fact that black men are often the most criminalized, black people in general – traditionally speaking – are often seen as having “less quality” or “less refined tastes”, etc., there is an insatiable thirst for truth to rebuild or regain our “consciousness” “regalia” “honor”, but the trauma on black people, both present and past, both anecdotal and institutional, seems to corrupt the path towards truth. This corruption, which objectively is from a good place I would argue, seems to have some black people questioning everything, even basic principles such as Terrance Howard arguing against basic arithmetic (something all humans developed and understood on their own).

History is already a confusing and rigorous endeavor, but most people fall for conspiracy theories, where I defined conspiracy theories as theories where the conclusion is already predetermined, but the researcher with a specific or ideological bias uses facts that simply serve their point, instead of actively challenging their own thesis or idea. Conspiracy theories as opposed to let’s say investigative journalism often lacks rigorous peer review, panel presentations, debates, etc.

Understanding 2016 to 2020. Was it all a clean up? From MeToo to Operation Varsity Blues, Jamal Khashoggi, & Epstein. How the Maxwell-Epstein & Bronfman Cases illuminates the past with Adnan Khashoggi, Iran-Contra, Libya, the CIA with BCCI Bank (and oddly how BCCI ties to the Nation of Islam Cult and street gangs.) by Q. Mitchell

If you’re new to this, I would recommend reading some of my previous posts, such as Tears on the Western Horizon and my analysis of what I call the ACZ or ACZS (Anglo Continental Zionist Saud) Network.

This paper, I will explore the other angle to Jeffrey Epstein’s ties which spans back by degrees-of-separation to the BCCI Bank, a bank which was incriminated for drug and weapons laundering during the Iran-Contra Scandal. Familiar names from now pop up back then, such as Robert Mueller, John Kerry, the Morgenthau Family which is related to the Bronfman Family currently embroiled by the NXIVM case, Saudis, Trump, Clinton, it goes on and on. Thus, Jeffrey Epstein will not be central to this paper but he is a periphery character in explaining a larger network in how the world really runs, which is controlling black markets, regime changes, incrimination, and laundering by the elites in both business and government – one in the same, really. In today’s time frame, from 2016 to 2020 we’ve witnessed MeToo, Las Vegas Shooting, Russiagate, the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, and unveiling of Jeffrey Epstein. These seems unrelated but the deeper you dig and more you think…they’re interrelated, in many cases directly but others by degrees-of-separation. You add on unrelated but endemic crises such as mass shootings or if you can get the public to fall into political bickering, then it’s easy to steer the public from the truth. It’s as if the media tried to isolate them but they’re not.

(Stream of thoughts) Ghislaine Maxwell knew Ivana Trump but also knew Adnan Khashoggi who was implicated with BCCI Bank during the Iran-Contra Scandal. Khashoggi’s nephew, Jamal Khashoggi was killed recently by Saudi Arabians close to the Trump Administration. Adnan’s other nephew, Dodi Fayed, dated and was killed with Princess Diana. We know, Maxwell dated Epstein who was close to Prince Andrew, thus Andrew was the brother-in-law to Diana, though Diana had fallen out of favor with the family, and the US and UK is very deeply in bed with Saudi Arabia, and Saudi Arabia is actually an ally to Israel despite Saudi Arabia being bastion of the funds going to terrorism. The BCCI case was investigated by… Robert Mueller and then Senator, John Kerry (later the Secretary of State who replaced Hillary after Benghazi), and both these guys went to prep school together. The judge over BCCI’s indictment was Robert Morgenthau, of the Morgenthau Family which is related to…the Lehman Family (Wall Street Crash of 2008) and Bronfman Family involved in NXVIUM via Clare and Sara Bronfman but also the Ira Einhorn murder via Phyllis Bronfman. Adnan’s BCCI Bank had known CIA affiliation, but it also had ties to the Nation of Islam via Libya’s Qaddafi, and the Nation of Islam had a close relationship with the Black P Stone Nation street gang known for drug dealing.

John Kerry and Robert Mueller

(Stream of thoughts) Iran Contra involved drug dealing and firearms under the CIA’s purview to Latin American death-squads, i.e., the Contras versus Sandinistas, during the Reagan Administration to sell illegal arms to Iran in exchange for American prisoners. Iran Contra involved the right-wing group founded by Major General John K. Singlaub called Western Goals Foundation which had ties to the John Birch Society, which was a radical far-right organization, which largely dictated what we consider the “right wing, conservative, racist, anti-government” “Soldier of Fortune” rhetoric associated with white nationalist and white terrorists, i.e., this links to Neo Nazis. An interesting fact is that Neo Nazis typically inhabit areas involved in the Military Industrial Complex (Orange and LA Counties for example houses many major Defense and Space contractors), which you could assume is due to right-leaning politics, white flight, rabid Cold War antics, but during the Cold War this type of activity might have been promoted through fake organizations such as the JBS.

(Steam of thoughts) Neo Nazis are also caught up in the gun and drug running game, particularly through Biker networks notorious for vice running, and just like black gangs such as Almighty Black P Stone nation, or even Mexican Cartels, they’re essentially assets even without knowing it themselves. They’re the movers and pushers to create black markets which can be controlled and tapped into for dirty money by the government, e.g., the crack and heroin epidemic in America helped fight communism and terrorism. John K. Singlaub was a part of the early OSS and was a veteran of World War 2, a military-observer in China who monitored the Chinese Civil War, managed the Secret War in Vietnam and Cambodia, trained the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan (when Al Qaeda was a US ally against Russia), and was implicated during the Contra Affair. What’s the common denominator between Vietnam, China, Afghanistan, and Latin American? They’re all know for drugs such as heroin. For example, the Turkish group, the Grey Wolves, are a right-wing paramilitary group once associated with NATO Stay Behind Units, i.e., they were trained terrorist to supposedly fight communism, but they also sold Turkish heroin. Turkish and Chinese heroin dealing by the USA goes back times after the Revolutionary War, called Old China Trade, which made East Coast elites vastly wealthy and in part helped finance the Ivy League. One of the descendants of this is John Forbes Kerry of the Forbes Family. Trump’s advisor was Ray Cohn and he was a prosecutor and bully during the McCarthy Era and the McCarthy Era is where a young Ronald Reagan got it start snitching on suspected Communist in Hollywood. Nixon and Reagan did the War on Drugs despite knowing the government was in bed with gangs, the mobs, etc., even going so far as

Jeffrey Epstein fits into a lot of things. One facet is his relationship with MIT, his friendships with world leaders such as Prince Andres, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump, his early Bitcoin interests, his association with top scientists at his island for summits, but, as we all know, his international underage sex ring which had ties to fashion elites in places such as New York, Miami, Los Angeles and Paris. However, for, the general public was exposed to a few major events. These include (1) Russia-gate which made Robert Mueller a household name; (2) the Las Vegas Shooting where I did some research on the Filipino connection and discovered a long history of gun smuggling, casinos, prostitution, FBI/ATF/DOJ and Homeland Security involvement, and the Philippine’s crucial role in American foreign policy such as hedging China by making American presences needed to fight a possibly American-created Islamic terrorist situation where the former leader of Abu Sayyaf was a veteran of the Soviet-Afghan War on the American side; (3) Me Too, which was a hallmark victory for women’s rights, yet, Harvey Weinstein going down might have simply covered up darker behavior going on in Hollywood, such as that relating to the possible abuse of children and human trafficking victims. Essentially, in my opinion, Me Too was important but the media used it as a diversion by using our larger Culture War relating to gender, to steer attention away from Hollywood, but also possibly silence actors who had dirt on them from engaging in political activism. Isn’t is strange how low-key so many Hollywood actors and actresses are now? (4) the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi Arabia, where Saudi Arabia is a key ally to the Trump administration but interestingly the Israeli state. Saudi Arabia has played a key role in US foreign policy but is also involved in Jared Kushner’s supposed peace plan (5) Operation Varsity Blues, which was the take down of a college admission’s racket where elites paid a man to cheat their rich children into college. Essentially, it was a direct yet passive way to show certain elites that they can be taken care of it need be, such as Jared Kushner whom despite bad grades was admitted to Harvard after his father gave a large financial donation. Finally, at number five (5), we have the death of Jeffrey Epstein.

It is my opinion that either directly or by degrees-of separation that all these events are connected and I feel this because each event could easily be the story of a generation, if the media wanted them to, yet, each were showcased and passed without true resolution. It’s as if the media wanted to show us just to seem like they were doing their job but no true follow up was done afterwards. Further, the sociological effects of showcasing these events led to nothing more than bipartisan bickering or identity-politic warfare to divert the public from the “true glass ceiling”.